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Alarm over Ozzy Osbourne’s health: he cancels a public appearance because “he is unable to travel at this time”

June 27, 2024 11:04 am
Posted by Editorial –

The health of Ozzy Osbourne is once again setting off the alarms and concern of his followers after the cancellation of a public appearance that was scheduled for the middle of the imminent month of July, with his wife and manager, Sharon Osbourneexplaining that Ozzy “is unable to travel at this time.”

The days July 12, 13 and 14 They are the ones who will count in the Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel & Spa of Glendale, Arizonawith the celebration of the Mad Monster Partywhere the participation of The Osbournes in full, which includes Ozzy, Sharon and their children Jack and Kellythe four protagonists of the reborn family podcast, but in the end it will have to be only Jack Osbourne who represents his family, as he has commented Sharon in the video which explains the cancellation of Ozzy’s presence at the event.

This was Sharon’s video message: “Unfortunately, the Osbourne family has to cancel our upcoming appearance at the Mad Monster Party in Phoenix because Ozzy is unable to travel at this time. However, Jack [el hijo de Ozzy y Sharon] will be there flying the Osbourne flag. Everyone who purchased the Osbourne package will, of course, receive a full refund.

We would like to thank you all for your continued support. It means a lot to him, you have no idea. And all I can do is apologize that we won’t be there and I sincerely apologize to the people we’ve let down. God bless you all. Thank you so much”.

It must be remembered that, despite the good results of the last operations that the Madman had to undergo, Parkinson’s continues to be a tough enemy with which the former vocalist of Black Sabbath He has to fight at 75 years old. This has not been an obstacle for Ozzy to have increased his interest in carrying out that last concert in which he would like to. reunite classic Black Sabbath lineup.

Recently, it was his wife who also commented that Ozzy is currently he doesn’t want to leave the house muchleaving an eloquent “getting old and not well sucks.”


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