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Artists demand that the State give the National Music Award to Valentín Trujillo

Diversos músicos nacionales alzaron la voz para que el Valentín Trujillo reciba el Premio Nacional de Música.

En mayo, en conversación con Canal 9, el artista se refirió a este reconocimiento que le han negado, pese a tener más de 70 años de trayectoria.

“Me siento totalmente realizado”, partió señalando el apodado ‘Maestro Valentín.

“Puedo decir que soy, en este momento, un hombre muy feliz. Soy reconocido por todos ustedes, menos por el Premio Nacional“.

In 2022, the pianist and conductor was nominated for the award, however, that edition ended up being won by Elisa Avendaño Curaqueo.

Trujillo pointed out that he is a current musician, with a living and updated career and history. “I have not retired from music and I am not going to retire,” he said.

Músicos interpelaron al Estado de Chile a favor de Valentín Trujillo

Through a letter to the editor in La Tercera, Mario Mutis, Gloria Simonetti, Claudio Narea, Javiera Parra and Joe Vasconcellos They referred to this slight against “Uncle Valentine.”

“The State of Chile has repeatedly passed up the opportunity to award him the National Prize for Musical Arts”they expressed.

Valentín Trujillo more than deserves that recognition. “He embodies the Chilean musician in the broadest sense of the word.”they added.

The musicians highlighted that they represent “different generations and trajectories” and that they grew up “with the emblematic figure of Valentine as a reference.”

“For years we have been able to see and admire his passion and excellence, as well as his great commitment to the musicians of Chile,” they continued.

En nombre de nuestra comunidad musical, y con el apoyo de decenas de colegas, hacemos un llamado a quienes corresponda para que, a sus 91 años, este querido maestro de la música nacional pueda al fin recibir tan merecido reconocimiento”.

About this letter to the editor, in an interview with Culto, Simonetti commented that “It is worth remembering how many years Don Vicente Bianchi had to wait for the State to give him a prize.“.

Today, in this type of awards, popular music is undervalued“, critical.

“We think that a person like Valentín, who has not only been a bastion of music, has been a man who has been concerned about everything that has to do with artists, laws, support, he has been a teacher, pianist, arranger; “It is not possible that he is 90 years old and still waiting for recognition from the State.”he asserted.

Vasconcellos, for his part, indicated that he signed the letter “because of the love and appreciation I have for him and because, in addition, musicians of his level are no longer made.”

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