Javier Milei: the art of driving

Perón said: “Driving is an art, like painting or sculpture, which has its technique and which has its theory. With theory and technique you can make a good painting, or a good sculpture (…) The inspiration belongs to the artist. In this everyone has a little
artist, according to the number of drops of sacred oil of Samuel that God has placed in each one. (…) The ancients said that art can be reached in two ways: genius or method. Those of us who are not lucky enough to have received much sacred oil, at least have the perseverance to persist in the method to get closer to art (Juan Domingo Perón).

Javier Mileiagainst all odds, achieved the half sanction in Deputies of the Law Bases. It seems that the current president took the old leader’s advice and had the perseverance to insist on the method to learn the art of driving. It is not yet a triumph, the Senate’s “verdict” is still missing, but at the time of writing these lines, the government appears confident in the sanction of the law.

He achieved the half sanction in Deputies of the Bases law.
Argentine Deputies Press

Everything seems to indicate – and we speak in potential due to the dynamics of our country – that it is very likely that the law “come out” in the upper house. Optimism would lie in the two paths that the project can take. One option would be disapproval, which would not be convenient for the senators, because they would be exposed again as already happened with the increase in diets. Besides, the Law Bases contains many favorable elements to promote investment in the energy sector, an issue that
It would clearly benefit the provinces. Without going any further, the governor of Catamarca was one of the first to speak out in favor of sanctioning the project.

The second path that the law can take is that the Chamber of Senators make some modifications (especially regarding Profits and the tobacco tax) in that case, the law would return to the chamber of origin (Deputies) which may not make room for the modifications and have the green light to give “viability” to the law. It seems in principle that the ruling party has the path paved, but it should not be trusted. Because, for example, Catamarca – led by Raúl Jalil, a Peronist “dialogue” with the Rosada – has three seats, but of the two from the Popular Front, the governor does not have direct ancestry over Lucía Corpacci, something similar happens in Tucumán, where Osvaldo Jaldo has no influence over Manzur.

The second path that the law can take is for the Senate to make some modifications. Photo: EFE

For his part, in Misiones, the governor is waiting for a “gesture” from the government to accompany the law in the Senate together with his legislators. The six votes that Neuquén, Río Negro and Santa Cruz have are fundamental, and it is expected that they will also support. In a recent interview, Guillermo Francos expressed confidence in obtaining the necessary will to achieve the government’s first high-sounding victory. If realized, this would mark a turning point in national politics, because it would mean the largest reform of the State in the recent history of Argentine democracy. Furthermore, it would show a change in the way people drive. Mileiwho began his mandate with his back to Congress, subjecting governability to economic success.

Today it seems that the libertarian unlocked a new level of difficulty in carrying out his political project. He is approaching the art of driving, perhaps as Perón said, by the path of method or perhaps by the path of genius. What is certain is that it would be a mistake to underestimate it as much of the political leadership who did not “see” it has done until now. Because we all have a little bit of an artist, a genius and a madman.

Ezequiel De Francesco.

* Ezequiel De Francesco. Professor of Political Science at UCEMA.

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