While asking for respect and peace, the United States denies the genocide › World › Granma

While asking for respect and peace, the United States denies the genocide › World › Granma
While asking for respect and peace, the United States denies the genocide › World › Granma
Photo: Work by Michel Moro

Although the International Criminal Court (ICC) has had to “put in the same bag” the Zionist government of Israel and the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, to propose an agreement to detain the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his Minister of Defense , Yoav Gallant, for the genocide being committed in Gaza against the Palestinian population, the ruling clashed with the position of the United States, which does not allow any sanctions against Israel.

The reaction, both from President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and even within the US Congress, has exceeded everything imaginable: US sanctions on the ICC itself, for attempting to act against Netanyahu and his Minister of Defense.

The US president described as “outrageous” the request of the prosecutor of the international justice entity, Karim Khan, for issuing the arrest orders.

“And let me be clear: regardless of what this prosecutor may imply, there is no equivalence – none – between Israel and Hamas. “We will always be with Israel,” stated the US president, at the same time that he has come to deny that genocide is being committed in Gaza.

The United States Congress, for its part, is promoting bipartisan legislation that would impose sanctions on anyone involved in the arrest warrant case.

Given this situation, the Attorney General of the Court of The Hague has warned that threats against him and his institution constitute a criminal offense, after having received a threatening letter from Republican and Democratic members of the US Congress.

While the current occupant of the White House reaffirms its position on the side of the massacre, Cuba, like most countries, demands respect for Palestinian civilians trapped in the conflict, by demanding that the UN Security Council comply with its mandate for peace, Cubaminrex reported.

The island’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Ernesto Soberón, called on the 15-member body not to remain inert in the face of the ongoing massacre, and on the international community not to stop its demand to stop the Israeli offensive.

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