Bertie Benegas Lynch said that “it makes noise that two people of the same sex are called marriage”

Bertie Benegas Lynch said that “it makes noise that two people of the same sex are called marriage”
Bertie Benegas Lynch said that “it makes noise that two people of the same sex are called marriage”

After the Secretary of Worship, Francisco Sánchez, pointed out against the Divorce Law and said that “children who are children of separated families suffer from anxiety disorders and have lower academic performance,” the liberal deputy Alberto “Bertie” Benegas Lynch He questioned equal marriage.

“The problem of the discussion is another, which is that The Government does not have to be involved in these things. Everyone can have their social relationships and even from a contractual point of view, do them with whoever they want. Absolute freedom,” said Benegas Lynch in dialogue with radio La Red.

Immediately afterwards, the libertarian deputy continued: “The problem is giving him that consent and the endorsement of the marriage government. The only thing that sounds familiar to me, to me in particular that makes me noise“is that two people of the same sex are called marriage, because it comes precisely from mater, from the natural union that exists in the family between man and woman.”

“The truth is that it is a semantic issue and really if two women, two men or whoever wants to make a contract that are responsible, they can do it and the State does not have to be involved in the middle,” he added later, trying to lower the tone of his sayings.

For Benegas Lynch, “the State has also advanced with the whole issue of feminism, environmentalism, which is the same socialism that puts on other clothes because it has lost the economic debate and now dresses in another way to go down the same path of the 2030 agenda”.

In this framework, the libertarian completed: “The same thing leads to the question of divorce, which the Government also tells you if you can get divorced or not. It’s ridiculous. You can do it if you want a term contract. That is, this relationship It’s for three months.”

Benegas Lynch’s statements come after the Secretary of Worship pointed out his criticism of the Divorce Law passed during the government of Raúl Alfonsín, and alluded to a study carried out by the University of Buenos Aires on the impact on the children of separated couples. .

“The UBA has a recent, quite serious study that indicates that about 30% of children who are children of separated families suffer from anxiety disorders and have a 25% lower performance than those who have children from consolidated families,” he said in a conversation with radio. Mitre.

“The kid’s dream”: how were the rehearsals to play at Luna Park with Javier Milei

Regarding his hobby of playing the drums, the deputy said that it is a hobby that he has had “since adolescence” and explained: “Always in a skipped manner, I have not dedicated myself to studying the instrument as it should be done, but I have I recognize myself as an amateur drummer. “I like it a lot and I pay a lot of attention to the instrument.”

“A unique experience, a kid’s dream. Thanks to a captive audience that went for something else,” summarized Benegas Lynch and acknowledged that he was “calmed by the sound check” because “they played from memory.”

Bertie Benegas Lynch. Photo: Instagram

Regarding the rehearsals, Berti said: “We had rehearsed…They were two songs the same, but little for what a commitment implies…For Javier too, because that is the pressure that one has. Saying ‘this has to be to do well for Javier, not for us.'”

“We rehearsed the previous Saturday, it was quite intensive, but only on Saturday and without Javier. We rehearsed at my house,” said the deputy, referring to the fact that the head of state was absent because he was traveling in Spain.

Finally, he revealed how the idea of ​​doing a musical show was conceived: “Marcelo Duclós, who was the architect of all this, suggested Javier. He proposed this and Javier was delighted. Then Marcelo called me to play the drums. I told him ‘You’re totally crazy,’ but hey, let’s go.”

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