His spokesperson asked the President to “respect the people and their institutions”

His spokesperson asked the President to “respect the people and their institutions”
His spokesperson asked the President to “respect the people and their institutions”

A few days before Javier Milei’s new trip to Madrid, Pedro Sánchez’s spokesperson asked the Argentine president “respect” the Spanish people and their institutions.

“We do not know the agenda of the president of Argentina, but if the trip finally occurs, I hope that during your statements you maintain respect towards the people of Spain and towards its institutions,” Pilar Alegría exclaimed this Tuesday, at the press conference after the meeting of the Council of Ministers.

Milei will travel this Friday to receive the award from the Juan de Mariana Institute for the defense of the ideas of freedom, which will also award other personalities, such as the Spanish economist Jesús Huerta de Soto, one of Milei’s ideological references, and the Peruvian writer and Nobel Prize winner in Literature Mario Vargas Llosa.

The flight is scheduled for 7:30 p.m.Manuel Adorni said today. He also specified that it is not on the agenda to hold meetings with Spanish authorities.

Regarding the conflict between the countries, the Argentine spokesperson said: “It is a settled issue where they will never agree. On one side we have a liberal president and on the other side we have a president who is not. Therefore “I understand that when we talk about a settled discussion it is because it is over and there is not much more to add.”

The libertarian will visit the European country for the second time and it will do so in the midst of open diplomatic tensions between the two countries that began when the Spanish Minister of Transportation, Oscar Puente, suggested that in a television appearance Milei was under the effects of “who knows what substances.”

following his participation in an event by the far-right Vox party in which he called the wife of the President of the Spanish Government Pedro Sánchez “corrupt” and criticized the management of the Executive.

The tension escalated when, at an event by the far-right Vox party, the libertarian called Sánchez’s wife “corrupt” and criticized the management of the Executive. Spain’s response? He withdrew his ambassador in Buenos Aires, María Jesús Alonso Jiménez, because Milei decided not to apologize for her comments.

“Spain is making an international mistake because of a delusional man who believes he owns the State,” Milei redoubled the bet after the withdrawal of the Spanish ambassador.

So far, Spain has not confirmed whether it will make available the security operation that it did provide in mid-May, when the Argentine president was there to participate in a Vox event.

Pedro Sánchez, accompanied by his wife Begoña Gómez. Photo: EFE

In the first interview he gave after the elections to the European Parliament in which his party, the PSOE, ceased to be the Spanish force with the most presence in the European Parliament (it was surpassed by the PP); President Sánchez confessed that he was not aware of Javier Milei’s upcoming trip to Madrid. “I don’t know,” he slipped.

Recently, both coincided with the Global Summit for Peace in Ukraine held in Switzerland. However, They did not maintain any contact.

Milei’s new trip to Spain

On June 21, the Argentine president will be in Madrid to receive the award from the Juan de Mariana Institute “for his defense of the ideas of freedom.”

“This year the winner is Javier Milei because, from our point of view, Javier has made history,” he told Clarion the director of Juan de Mariana, Manuel Llamas.

In addition, throughout the week, there will be conferences, meetings and even a book fair on liberal theories. The closing is the Freedom Dinner in which the prize is awarded, which, this year, Milei will win.

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