They denounce a coup d’état while a military tank demolishes the door of the Government headquarters in La Paz

Several tanks and heavily armed soldiers took over the square in front of the headquarters of the Bolivian Executive this Wednesday, after the General Commander of the Army, Juan José Zuñiga, threatened to take over the building and change the cabinet. The first press reports claim that a tank knocked down the doors of the headquarters and entered at 3:51 p.m. local time.

According to the criteria of

The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, had earlier warned of “irregular mobilizations” of the military at a time when troops and tanks were stationed in front of the government headquarters in La Paz.

“We denounce irregular mobilizations of some units of the Bolivian Army. Democracy must be respected,” the president wrote on his social network X.

While the vice president of Bolivia, David Choquehuanca, has already denounced that a “coup d’état” is taking place against the Government of Luis Arce.

3:11 p.m.

Military tank enters by force

A tank knocked down the doors of the Bolivian Executive headquarters and entered at 3:51 p.m. local time, after the general commander of the Bolivian Army, Juan José Zuñiga, threatened to take the Government headquarters and change the cabinet.

3:12 p.m.

Bolivian Foreign Minister denounces military mobilizations to the international community

The Foreign Minister of Bolivia, Celinda Sosa, denounced to the International community the “irregular” mobilizations of Army units that “attack democracy, peace and security of the country.”

“We call on the International Community, on the Bolivian population, to respect democratic values ​​and support the Government of Luis Arce Catacora, constitutional and legitimate elected by the sovereign will of the Bolivian people,” said Sosa through a video uploaded to x.

3:15 p.m.

Evo Morales denounces coup d’état

The former president of Bolivia Evo Morales denounced that at this moment a coup d’état is brewing due to the deployment of “personnel of the Armed Forces and tanks in Plaza Murillo.”

​”We ​​denounce that a Group of the Special Regiment of Challapata “Mendez Arcos” took over Plaza Murillo with snipers. This seems to indicate that they prepared in advance for the Coup d’état. I ask the people with a democratic vocation to defend the Homeland from some military groups that act against democracy and the people”.

3:18 p.m.

OAS pronounces on situation in Bolivia

The secretary general of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagro, stated this Wednesday from Paraguay that the organization will not tolerate “any form of violation of the legitimate constitutional order in Bolivia.”

“The OAS General Secretariat strongly condemns these actions by the Bolivian Army, which must submit to civil authority as mandated by the Inter-American Democratic Charter,” Almagro said.

(News in development. Expect expansion soon).

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