the best phrases to send and place status on WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook

Every June 28, the streets in many parts of the world are filled with color, diversity and freedom thanks to the commemoration of International LGBTIQ+ Pride Day. One of the main objectives of This date is to pay tribute to the Stonewall uprising.

According to the criteria of

Over the years this community has had to fight for the recognition of its rights, respect for different gender identities and expressions, since for many years she has had to live with discrimination and stigmatization.

The beginning of the celebration of LGBTIQ+ Pride was born in 1969, when several members members of the community demonstrated against a police raid that was taking place at the Stonewall bar in New York City.

Since then the fight for community rights and sexual and gender diversity, also known as diversity sex-gender continues and persists, that is why many cities dress in colors and several marches and events are held in celebration of this day.

Social networks play a very important role on this day, since many people take advantage of them to write words of inclusion and support for this community. They do it not only with phrases but also with photos and reposting everything that is related to LGBTIQ+ Pride.

The fight for their right to equality.


Below are some phrases that you can post on your social networks or send to someone you know who is part of the LGBTIQ+ community.

Phrases of inclusion and respect for the LGBTIQ+ community

  • “In itself, homosexuality is as limited as heterosexuality. The ideal would be to be able to love a woman or a man, any human being, without feeling fear, inhibition or obligation.” Simone de Beauvoir, French philosopher, writer and feminist.
  • “It’s not loving a man that makes life more difficult for gays, it’s homophobia. It’s not the color of his skin that makes life harder for people of color; It is racism.” Ashton Applewhite, American writer and activist.
  • “Your homosexuality is beautiful, your blackness is beautiful, your compassion, your understanding, your fight for people who are different from you is beautiful.” Beyoncé, American singer.
  • “Every person’s journey is individual. If you fall in love with a man, you fall in love with a man. The fact that many Americans consider it a disease says more about them than it does about homosexuality.” Gore Vidal, American writer, essayist and journalist.
  • “Gay rights are human rights and human rights are gay rights.” Hillary Clinton, former candidate for the presidency of the United States.
  • “I can only advise homosexuals that coming out will never be a decision they have made too soon.” George Michael, British singer and songwriter.
  • “No one is born hating another person because of the color of their skin or their origin, their sexuality or their religion. If they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, because love is more natural to the human heart than its opposite.Nelson Mandela, politician and anti-apartheid activist.
  • “Every time people behave as if images of gay people in the media could influence their children to be gay, I will remind them that gay children grew up watching only straight people on television.” Ellen DeGeneres, American actress and television host.
  • “When all Americans are treated equally, no matter who they are or who they love, we will all be freer.” Barack Obama former president of the United States.

These are some of the phrases that you can share, to contribute to the visibility and acceptance of the community. LGBTIQ+, which like every year has its PRIDE 2024, on social networks.

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More news in EL TIEMPO

Wendys Pitre Ariza



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