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Who is Leila Gianni, the woman who is compared to Daniel Scioli and won the heart of Sandra Pettovello

“Scioli first, Leila later.” It is not the proposal of a presidential formula, it is what former massismo officials say about the Undersecretary of Legal and Technical of the Ministry of Human capital, Leila Florencia Gianni. Although he went through the previous four governments, he raised his profile astronomically in the last ten days after having carried out a series of complaints against the management of Alberto Fernandez for various irregularities in the former Ministry of Social Development.

The comparison with the Secretary of Tourism, Environment and Sports of the Nation has its origin in the fact that for the opposition Gianni She is “a traitor”, “a chameleon”, a “pole-vaulting athlete between colors”, as defined to MDZ by members of Alberto Fernández’s government who shared time, trips and even office with her. “She went from light blue to yellow, back to light blue and from light blue to lilac. She has no problems changing,” she said.

Gianni began working in the national State, according to what she herself said on a streaming channel, in 2012. “I started from the bottom. I come from a very humble family. I started without receiving it. I am the first generation of university students in my family,” He said and explained why he jumped to La Libertad Avanza: “Because I saw her.”

Although it was said that Gianni She was a member of the Renovador Front, in that party they deny her. “She was not part of it, I never saw her, she was never in any event or plenary session,” said a faithful militant of Sergio Massa. The confusion comes because last year she walked the street for the former candidate for head of the Buenos Aires Government of Unión por la Patria, Leandro Santoro, who accompanied Massa on the ballot. However, this year she crossed paths and placed herself in the heat of Sandra Pettovello’s fire in her “fight against the mafias.”

Leila Gianni makes the “v” for victory at a Justicialista Party headquarters. Photo: Facebook.

Freedom Advances He knows about Gianni’s past, but he doesn’t care. In the ruling party they do not want immolations, they just want what they believe has to be done to be done. The rules are clear: they want people who are functional to them, solve their problems and have information. The latter is Gianni’s greatest asset, as he knows by heart the dynamics of previous governments because he worked in them.

“He was a mountebank,” “he landed in positions in which he always performed well, the problem is his loyalty, when things get bad, he leaves,” “the floor of adjectives is disloyal,” said three former employees of the Ministry of the Environment. where Gianni was appointed in 2022 as Director of Environmental Projects of the Undersecretary of Administrative Management. “Second and third-line figures of Albertism detest her because she is now the one who makes true or untrue complaints about things that she herself was a part of,” they added.

The crudeness with which Kirchnerism defines Gianni has to do with the fact that for this type of militancy, the flags of the national and popular project are worn on the skin. Leila knows what this is about. She got a penguin tattoo, alluding to Néstor Kirchner, but then she covered it up. She is a lawyer by profession, a mother of five children, she is 39 years old and her voice does not tremble on camera. She marathonically raised her profile. She arrived at the studios of the TN and LN + news channels with some packages of weed in the midst of the scandal over the collection of food that was about to expire in two state warehouses in Villa Martelli and Tucumán. She said that it was of poor quality, that the purchases that the management of Victoria Tolosa Paz had made, during the government of Alberto Fernandezwere mostly made of that product and as a career leader asked: “With this they wanted to kill the hunger of the people?”

Gianni had a romantic relationship with Guido Veneziale, former National Director of Planning and Environmental Territory Management. They finished it a short time ago. He still has on her Facebook account, publicly, a photo of him with her and the caption: “What’s coming is better, 2024. Love and family @leigianni.” She, in her networks, from her past, left nothing. She started a new Instagram account in which she only shows her public appearances.

Guido Veneziale’s post on Facebook with Leila Gianni, in January of this year. Photo: capture.

On October 9, 2023, in the middle of the race for the general elections, both, although each one on their own accounts, uploaded the same image: one holding the Virgin of Luján in an event led by the former Minister of Economy and former candidate for president, Sergio Massa. “There are no impossible things for God. With the Virgin of Luján by your side, future president. Strength, comrade @sergiomassa,” she had written. “@sergiomassaok in Bajo Flores. We are united by faith for a better Argentina,” he wrote.

Guido Veneziale’s post last October 9. Photo: Capture Instagram.
The same day, the same post with a different heading. Photo: Capture Facebook.

During her time in charge of environmental projects, Leila smoked. Every now and then she would go outside to light a cigarette. As usual, someone could join in to share the moment. “She was serious,” recalled one person who once smoked with her. And she added that “with those she had no connection with, she did not exchange more than a hello or a bye.” It bothers her when people question her or talk to her about how she is. “The comments about tattoos and bangs really break my balls. I’ve had bangs since I was 18 because I’m a ramonera. I love Los Ramones. I’m not going to take my bangs out,” she said recently on the streaming channel Laca con a “The Forces of Heaven” cap on his head.

Leila Gianni is 39 years old and was an official in the government of Alberto Fernández. Photo: Facebook.

The Boss, your role model

When Leila Gianni was asked in that interview what she would say about Karina Milei sighed, looked at the horizon and with calm and reflective prosody said: “Deep admiration. It’s what I would love to become.” The president’s sister is the general secretary of the Presidency, the person whom no one dares to contradict and on whom the permanence of those who pass through the Government depends. Gianni, who has held a place in the State since 2012, has a career, has aspirations and does not hide them.

Consulted by her boss, the minister Sandra Pettovellowho is said to cry often and bring her resignation to Milei, expressed: “Deep admiration, beautiful woman, brave, fighter.”

When talking about Eduardo Belliboni, leader of Polo Obrero, his voice and gesture changed: “Disgust,” he shot. Something similar happened with Sergio Massa and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner: “It disgusts me” and “Liar, oppressor of the Argentine people,” he cataloged respectively.

He also referred to Juan Grabois: “Disgusting,” he said. Despite that feeling, you will have to see his face this Tuesday at 11 when he participates in a hearing in Comodoro Py for the cause of stored food. The social leader appears as the canteens’ lawyer and complainant.

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