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The smoothie that provides more vitamin C than an orange and produces collagen

June 4, 202422:06


The smoothies of fruits and vegetables They become an undisputed ally among those who do not have much time to sit at the table with a good plate of food due to daily work rushes. There are endless alternatives and combinations that can be made to enjoy one of these drinks full of nutrients that give the body energy and a feeling of satiety. One of the latest fashions, although unconventional, is the milkshake camu camu, an exotic fruit considered by the specialized health portal, Healthline as a superfood given his high nutrient content, especially vitamin C.

The camu camu smoothie is a hydrating drink given that this fruit is composed of 94% water and abundant minerals, including “calcium, phosphorus and potassium, and polyphenols,” highlights Sol Vázquez, integral nutritionist at Planta Made and specialist in plant-based nutrition. Furthermore, she mentions that This fruit abounds vitamin C, which, as Healthline estimates, doubles the values ​​of an orange: 100 grams of pulp of this food contains between 900 and 3000 milligrams of vitamin C; In the same amount of oranges, there are approximately 53.2 milligrams of vitamin C.

The presence of these properties, points out Yael Hasbani, Health Coach specialist in holistic nutrition, make this drink ideal for staying hydrated, strengthening the immune system, protect skin from aging premature and promote the production of collagen, a protein that is part of skin tissue, muscles and bones.

Scientifically known as Myrciaria dubia, he camu camu It is an acidic berry similar in size to a grape.. Its pulp is yellow and is covered by an edible burgundy-colored peel. It grows from a wild shrub native to the flooded and swampy areas of the Amazon of Peru which can measure up to eight meters in height, although today its cultivation has spread to regions of Brazil, Bolivia and Colombia. In addition to being consumed in smoothies, camu camu is also usually invented in the form of supplements and powders. According to Healthline, few people eat it in its original format given the intensity of its flavor.

The camu camu smoothie does not provide fat or cholesterol Shutterstock

What distinguishes this drink, says Vázquez, is that has a low energy density: a glass provides around 24 calories and provides almost no fat or protein. Even so, this type of drink will never replace the consumption of mineral water: it seeks to be a complement when it comes to hydration.

A report from the Mayo Clinic, an entity dedicated to the research and dissemination of scientific and medical material, mentions that the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine of the United States suggest that daily intake of liquids – water, another type of beverages and foods – for healthy adult men living in temperate climates whether 3.7 liters and for women, 2.7 liters.

The abundance of vitamin C present in the camu camu smoothie, “classifies this drink as a ppowerful antioxidant and an ally to enhance several of the body’s functions”says Hasbani. From the Mayo Clinic, an entity that is dedicated to research and dissemination of scientific and medical content, they explain that this nutrient helps Protect cells from oxidation and the harmful effects of free radicals: radiation from the sun, smoke and all types of harmful particles that circulate through the environment. The consumption of this vitamin, the entity explains, reduces the risk of developing different diseases. It also “helps the body absorb and store iron, essential mineral to avoid anemia and generate red blood cells,” Vázquez specifies.

Camu camu smoothie is also an important source of polyphenols. Among them, anthocyanins stand out, a compound that is also present in blueberries, blackberries and eggplants, “and which has been shown to reduce the incidence of neurodegenerative pathologies and improve urinary infections,” says Vázquez. On the other hand, tannins, which are also found in grapes, “are very efficient for protect the heart from any possible alteration”, adds Vazquez.

And the data supports it. From the Healthline portal they bring to the table an investigation in which it was found that taking a camu camu drink a day exponentially reduces oxidative stress and inflammation in people. The study was carried out on a group of male participants for a week where they were asked to drink 70 milliliters of camu camu smoothie which contained 1050 milligrams of vitamin C. But what surprised the researchers was that the group that was given a vitamin C supplement did not show changes in any of these aspects, so it was estimated that The antioxidant effects of vitamin C in camu camu are enhanced by the other components.

Vitamin C, says a report from the official site of Eucerin, a company that manufactures cosmetic products, collaborates in the collagen synthesis, protein necessary to delay the signs of premature aging, maintain the vitality of skin cells, protect them from toxins circulating through the air and the photodamage to which they are permanently exposed. Additionally, this vitamin is needed to produce elastin, a substance that provides elasticity to the skin and keeps it moisturized. This helps keep the young, bright and luminous complexion.

Collagen, highlighted by Eucerin, gives the skin a firm and uniform appearance. As the years go by, it begins to reduce naturally, leading to the possible development of wrinkles, expression lines and loss of facial volume.

To make a liter of camu camu smoothieneeded one liter of mineral water, 50 grams of camu camu fruit pulp and sweeteners to taste, preferably natural like honey. In case of consuming camu camu powder, the indicated thing is to dilute a tablespoon of this food – no more than 30 grams – in a glass of water “and mix it with other fruits, for example with banana and mango or with spinach, pineapple, ginger and a few drops of lemon”, Hasbani says. The drink can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours and start drinking it little by little to see the body’s tolerance.

The consumption of this soft drink has no contraindications unless it is taken in excess. In these cases it can cause dizziness and nausea associated with the large amount of vitamin C consumed. In this regard, the Nutrition graduate, Rocío Antivero, highlights that this type of drinks “It is a healthy way and a good way to include fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.” However, “we must not stop considering the intake of other sources of nutrients such as fiber, proteins and carbohydrates,” he emphasizes. Although these drinks are another option to consume at any time of the day, for example, as a mid-morning snack to replace the consumption of cookies and increase nutrient intake, the truth is that “they should not be used to replace the dish.” of food. They should be a complement to the diet,” concludes the specialist.

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