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Options for improvements in the Internet connection from Cuba

Complaints about the slow internet connection in Cuba are common in the daily lives of Cubans and the lack of options to improve the situation, too. But is there anything that can be done from the island?

The Telecommunications Company of Cuba SA (ETECSA) is constantly involved in a sea of ​​criticism from its users, who see how browsing the web and mobile data becomes a daily battle.

Far from seeking definitive solutions, ETECSA tends to entrench itself in the usual excuses. The culprit of the poor connection, according to them, is usually the annoying blackouts that plague the island. However, this simplistic explanation does not convince users, who see how the problem persists even when there is electricity.

The reality is that the telecommunications infrastructure in Cuba is overloaded and very old, something they recently recognized. The high demand, added to the lack of investment in the sector, causes the network to collapse at times of greatest use, generating slowness, instability and even total service outages.

What to do to improve the Internet connection from Cuba?

According to ETECSA, electricity outages negatively affect all telecommunications services in Cuba, causing problems in fixed telephony, mobile coverage, connection speed and Internet access.

What does the ruling party say? In January of this year, the official Cubadebate website published an “alternative” to improve the speed of the Nauta Hogar connection, through, according to them, a simple process, where you can upgrade your plan and enjoy a more fluid connection.

The solution, in short, after going around many times, was to pay more, buy a higher package and thus improve the Internet connection with the Nauta Hogar and all without “having to go to the ETECSA offices.” What do you believe about it?

Recently, the independent media, El Toque, gave some tips to improve the data connection, such as an extra mobile phone that could connect to ETECSA’s 4G, a modem, like the ones this company offers these days.

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