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Javier Milei will travel to China and meet with Xi Jinping

President Javier Milei will travel to China and will have a meeting with President Xi Jinping. The meeting is scheduled for the coming weeks, although the date has not yet been officially confirmed.

The unexpected meeting between the libertarian leader and his Chinese counterpart was confirmed hours after the Government achieved the renewal of the swap with that country for US$5 billion.

The renewal of the swap was, in addition to a financial relief, good political news for the Government hours before the general approval of the Bases Law in the Senate. Milei himself highlighted it on his social networks.

High sources from the Casa Rosada confirmed to Clarion the visit to China but the details of the final agenda will be finalized by the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei, in the coming days.

Javier Milei during his presentation at the Latam Economic Forum.

The Argentine president, who is traveling to Italy to participate in the G7, will have a meeting with Xi Jinping that represents a strong political turn after the harsh statements in which Milei had assured that he would not “dealings with communists“.

Those sayings were in August of last year, days after the PASO elections in which Milei was the most voted candidate. At that time, the Chinese Government’s response was limited to stating that if the president visited that country “you are likely to come to very different conclusions“.

“If Mr. Milei visited China and will experience for yourselfit is likely that it will reach very different conclusions on the issue of the freedom and security of the Chinese people,” said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin at the time in statements to which this media had access.

Finally, and despite the ideological differences that Milei himself expressed on many occasions, the founder of La Libertad Avanza and the Chinese leader faces will be seen in Beijing.

Milei’s hectic international agenda will continue this Friday with participation in the G7 and on Saturday with the trip to Switzerland to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky within the framework of the peace summit to be held in Bürgenstock. On Sunday morning she will be back in Buenos Aires.

A week later, and although the details of the agenda have not yet been confirmed, Milei will travel to Europe again to visit Madrid again. In the Spanish capital, to which she will return after participating in the VOX event that led to the diplomatic crisis due to which Spain decided to withdraw its ambassador in Buenos Aires, Milei will receive an award from the Juan de Mariana Institute, a “think tank” liberal.

Official mission in search of dollars

In addition to the meeting that Milei will have with Xi Jinping, the Government seeks to continue opening markets to increase Argentine exports and that is why Ministry of Economy officials They will participate in an official mission in search of dollars in China, Japan and South Korea.

As Clarín reported, the Secretary of Bioeconomy, Fernando Vilella, will travel to those countries at the beginning of July.

“The opening of markets is a central strategy of the Secretariat. We have to increase exports and go to markets that really pay more,” Vilella highlighted days ago after participating in an event organized by the Argentine Center of Engineers. In the Chinese case, the official will travel after the postponement of the visit. in May. “The products that are closest to advancing have to do with pork and bovine offal, which for the meat processing business, is substantial,” he noted.

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