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Six physical exercises to strengthen bones throughout life

Morning movement can accelerate bone growth and help maintain bone mass (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Human beings reach our greatest Bone density to the 20 years and then, as we get older, we gradually lose that strength. And although the process of our natural evolution as a species entails a inevitable bone lossthe good news is that adopt an active lifestyle can minimize risks.

“Bones are made up of living tissue and they get stronger when used. When we are children, exercise plays an important role in making our bone mass bigger and stronger. But as we age, we begin to lose strength in our bones,” says the Royal Osteoporosis Society and warns that exercise and stay active It is the best preventive measure to avoid fractures or injuries over the years.

In women, bone density decreases as estrogen levels They fall at a rapid rate during menopause. In both sexes, loss of resistance becomes a problem due to hormonal changes, lifestyle factors, diseases and genetic predisposition, not to mention surprisingly low levels of vitamin D.

Exercises against gravity, such as push-ups and squats, are beneficial for strengthening bones and preventing osteoporosis (Getty)

“From the age of 30, we experience a gradual decrease in bone mineral density and we lose about a 1% density every year. But there is evidence that if you carry out regular physical activitiesyou can optimize bone health throughout your life,” he indicated Wendy KohrtProfessor of Medicine in the Division of Geriatric Medicine at the University of Colorado, USA.

For his part, British doctor Taher Mahmud, a specialist in rheumatology, pointed out that while the increased risk of fractures is associated with the osteoporosisthose who suffer the most fractures in the real world are those with osteopenia. Osteopenia and osteoporosis are conditions related to bone health, but they differ in their severity and characteristics.

The osteopenia is an intermediate stage in which bone density is below normal, increasing the risk of fractures. The Osteoporosis is a more advanced form, in which bone breakdown exceeds the formation of new bonewhich results in weaker and more fragile bone mass.

Both are diagnosed through a bone density test and treated similarly, usually with bisphosphonates and calcium and vitamin D supplements to strengthen bones and slow bone loss.

Performing physical activities regularly optimizes bone health throughout life (Illustrative image Infobae)

Dr. Mahmud stressed – in an interview with the British newspaper The Telegraph- that lack of knowledge about bone degeneration in people with ostopenia is due to a lack of regular check-ups and scans. Many times, people are not aware of the damage until they experience a fall, and by then the problem is already significant. Therefore, early detection and intervention play a crucial role in preventing severe consequences.

According to the British specialistexercises that involve jumping and resistance training They are essential to improve bone density. These activities can increase bone density between 12% and 15% in a period of 9 to 12 months when done correctly.

Examples of these exercises include squats, lunges and deadlifts with significant resistance. It is also very important perform progressive training. This involves increasing bone stress gradually, varying movements, and combining exercises that involve both the upper and lower body. For those who already have osteopenia or are looking to prevent it, plyometric exercises can be effective.

After the age of 30, there is a gradual decrease in bone mineral density and we lose around 1% of density each year (freepik)

Start with 6kg dumbbells and progress up to 12-15kg. Perform 10 repetitions per leg and increase to 20. This exercise strengthens your legs and improves bone density.

How to do it– Hold the dumbbells at your sides, step back with one leg and lower your body until both knees are bent at 90 degrees. Return to the starting position by pushing with the front leg and repeat with the other leg.

Jumping and resistance exercises can increase bone density by 12% to 15% over a year (freepik)

Start with 12 to 16 repetitions and work your way up to 30 over a few weeks. These jumps help generate positive bone stress and improve balance.

How to do it: Stand with your feet together and jump laterally to the right, landing on your right foot and then your left. Return to the starting point by jumping to the left. Keep a light posture and your knees slightly bent.

As you age, it is even more important to stretch and warm up your muscles to avoid injuries (dpa)

Start with 10-12 jumping jacks without losing balance and increase to 20-25. This exercise adds positive impact to the bones.

How to do it: Stand on one leg and jump forward, maintaining balance when landing. Use your arms for stability. Repeat with the other leg.

Use a weight that allows only 15 repetitions at first, and then increase to a weight that allows 10-12 repetitions. Rowing strengthens the upper body and contributes to bone health.

How to do it: Place one knee and one hand on a bench, with the other leg firmly on the floor. Hold the dumbbell with your free hand and pull it toward your torso, keeping your elbow close to your body. Lower the weight in a controlled manner and repeat.

You can run or walk stomping to increase bone stimulation and strengthen the bones (Illustrative image Infobae)

Weight-bearing activities such as brisk walking or running increase bone density through repeated impact on the bones. Start with brisk walking and progress to jogging or running for greater benefits.

How to do it: Start by walking at a steady, comfortable pace, gradually increasing your speed to a jog or run. Maintain an upright posture and use your arms to balance the movement.

Start without weight and gradually add up to 12-15 kg. Do 10-12 repetitions per side, increasing to 20. This exercise is great for strengthening your lower body.

How to do it: Stand on one leg with the other slightly elevated behind you. Lean forward from the hips as you lift your extended leg, keeping your back straight. Return to starting position and repeat.

Putting a little pressure on your bones during exercise or daily activities could pay off in stronger bones as you age (Illustrative Image Infobae)
  • Strengthening bones and muscles. In both children and adults, exercise promotes denser, stronger bones.
  • Prevention of bone loss. In adults, exercise helps maintain bone mass and can even increase bone density.
  • Improved balance and coordination. Activities that improve these skills can prevent falls.
  • Reduced risk of osteoporosis. Regular exercise can prevent osteoporosis and its complications.

Exercising regularly can have a significant impact on bone health, helping maintain existing bone mass and prevent future fractures. Regular movement not only promotes bone density, but also improves balance and coordination, which are critical factors in preventing falls and fractures.

Activities such as walking, running, lifting weights and playing sports They are particularly beneficial. Furthermore, specialists recommend Complement exercise with a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D to optimize bone health, as they are essential nutrients for the formation and maintenance of bones.

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