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Radio Havana Cuba | President Díaz-Canel on a tour of Havana

Photos: @PresidenciaCuba

Havana, June 15 (RHC) Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (CCPCC) and President of the Republic, began this Saturday a tour of various sites in this capital.

The president began the tour of the Las Canteras neighborhood, located in the Playa municipality of the capital.

Then they went to the National Center for Scientific Research (CNIC), in the same municipality where he was received by Dr. Talena Ledón, deputy director of the CNIC, and Sandra Milián, plant manager, who explained the production process.

Díaz-Canel found an example of effective research in the CNIC’s Dalmer Laboratories.

“We use a business model in which financing was obtained in currency for all the machinery and paid with products. In 5 years, 12 million units have been produced,” explained its director Talena Ledón Pérez.

Accompanying Díaz-Canel are Roberto Morales Ojeda, member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization of the CCPCC, Liván Izquierdo Alonso, First Secretary of the Party in Havana, and Yanet Hernández Pérez, Governor in the capital, among other leaders.

The CNIC, founded on July 1, 1965, was the first multidisciplinary scientific center instituted by the Revolution in Cuba, currently it constitutes a company that integrates the group of biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries (BioCubaFarma).

This center is recognized nationally and internationally for solving, with quality and scientific rigor, biomedical and technological problems of economic and social importance in the country and for creating advanced products.

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