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Shopping centers are billing with the parking business in Colombia

Deputy editor

Jun 17, 2024 – 7:13 am

For quite some time now, the malls in Colombia they have chosen to invest in the parking business and many clients wonder why these spaces in some places are so large. In Bogotá, for example, several of the establishments have carried out renovations and have dedicated a portion of money to parking areas.

(See also: Bogotá drivers, happy for the elimination of the criticized tax proposed by Galán)

What is surprising is that, without a clear explanation, these spaces remain full almost every day of the week. In that sense, the Mall & Retail portal explains what is behind this business toWhat the shopping centers are aiming at.

“Investments in parking lots are large, which has forced the ‘malls’ to charge for them, converting “This collection is a key factor in fulfilling its value promise,” Leopoldo Vargas, CEO of the Mall & Retail firm, mentioned in Semana magazine.

And the money left by the parking lots is very important for shopping centers, which contrasts with the situation experienced by the owners of the premises, since they have had a sharp drop in sales, as Fenalco explained a few days ago. In fact, many of the stores remain alone while the parking lots are always full.

The aforementioned firm indicates that the 34 main shopping centers in Colombia have an inventory of 51,362 parking spaces. and, during 2024, revenues represented 145,550 million pesos, which represents a growth of 30.9% compared to what happened in 2022.

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According to the report, the podium of shopping centers where the most people park is led by Mayorca, in Medellín, with a traffic of 3.49 million vehicles, followed by Chipichape, in Cali, with a total of 3.03 million cars and finally is Unicentro, in Bogotá, with a flow of 2.98 million cars.

Read all the economic news today here.

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