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Vilma: guide and spur

Approximate reading time: 2 minutes, 15 seconds

When every day we reaffirm that, in Cuba, public policies are promoted to advance the physical, economic and decision-making autonomy of women and that their active and full incorporation into society has constituted an achievement of the humanist project of the Revolution , we can be absolutely certain that none of their struggles fell on deaf ears.

When the Magna Carta guarantees effective equality, in the enjoyment and exercise of rights, to live a life free of violence, to obtain higher levels of equity and social justice, as well as the full dignity of people and their integral development The certainty is strengthened that their efforts in pursuit of the well-being of women were not in vain.

And Vilma Espín Guillois, whose departure was only physical that June 18, 2007, left deep marks, paths open to achievements unthinkable in other regions of the world.

17 years after her death we do not remember her with sadness; It would not be possible. Her charisma and firmness, her indisputable leadership qualities among Cuban women, take us away from that emotional state to place us in front of a reality, beautiful and yet to be built, which registers results that cannot be ignored.

To Ella, the fighter of the Sierra and the Llano, the mother of the family, we owe the development and subsequent approval of a Family Code that, endorsed in 1976, became an advanced legal document for its time; the same one that served as a precedent for the current Family Code in which love and affection are valued above all things and in which, in addition, the rights for all people are reinforced.

Another beautiful, lasting and very useful work is the creation of children’s circles, which number in the hundreds in the country. This central-southern region hosts almost twenty of them, which offers important support to the working mother and the family in general.

Cuban women have been present in the most diverse areas of the country’s socioeconomic life. / Photo: Taken from the Internet

I reiterate: in every achievement of the Cuban women there is Vilma’s imprint. That is why it is commendable that, in light of today, Cubans have Presidential Decree 198/2021 National Program for the Advancement of Women, which constitutes the agenda of the State, for the development of policies and programs, in our favor and that give continuity to the advancement and development of gender equality in the country; while responding to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its Goals (SDG).

Multiple indicators support a concrete and vital participation of the companions in the life of the nation; one of the desires of the eternal president of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC). For example, in Cienfuegos, 100 percent of the top Party leaders in the eight municipalities are women and two make up the Provincial Bureau (33.3%).

Regarding the local subordination of Popular Power, of the 2,225 cadres, 64.4%; That is, 1,389 are female; Meanwhile, of the 217 decision-making positions currently filled, 107 are occupied by women (49.3%), including in that category the colleagues who direct the government bodies in five of the eight municipalities and the Governor.

In Cienfuegos properties of the Attorney General’s Office, 83.9 percent of the professional force that works as prosecutors (47) are women, of which 18 hold management positions, among them six heads of municipal prosecutors and the Chief Prosecutor. provincial.

That June 18, 17 years ago, Vilma died only physically. Her struggles, her desires, are transformed into results, increasingly encouraging for Cuban women. She follows “her sweet, firm, and opportune voice,” as Fidel said, listening to herself to guide us and spur us on in times of founding, loving, and growing.

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