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The miracle that gives hope to the family of Loan Danilo Peña, the boy who disappeared in Corrientes

The disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña (5) in Currents refers to another similar event that, at the end of 1996, kept Missions and the country for almost a week. In Colonia Seguín, near Campo Viera, a three-year-old girl was rescued alive after being lost for six days in a jungle area.

On Sunday, December 8 of that year, Laura Krause walked with her two oldest children to the rural school, where the closing ceremony of the school year was taking place and, in parallel, a festivity for the Day of the Immaculate Conception.

Romina Andrea Bilarte (3) He was left at home in the care of his father.

Due to the man’s carelessness, the girl left the house in the footsteps of her mother and siblings, but on the way she was attacked by a neighbor’s dogs and went into a mountain.

In the distance, the man heard the nervous barking of the animals and, without thinking, he looked for Romina, which was his weakness. The little one had disappeared without a trace.

Romina Bilarte gave an interview to El Territorio in 2016. When she was three years old, she was lost for six days in the Misiones jungle.

For the Police, the father quickly became the main suspect. The interrogations took place again and again by the tough police officers who were convinced that he knew the fate of Romina. Even the church pastor asked him to reveal where he had buried her.

While hundreds of police and locals carried out a search operation in an area of ​​tangled vegetation, intense rain buried the few hopes of finding the girl alive.

Social pressure caused the search to continue in the following days. A few years ago, the girl’s mother told The territory that, on December 13, an uncle of Romina arrived from San Pedro, confident in his sister-in-law’s hope of finding his daughter alive.

I heard her calling me, they thought I was going crazy. Until on Friday my brother-in-law Cacho asked me where the request for help came from and I told him to go to the side of the slope, where we were taking the animals, about five thousand meters from home. He told me ‘If you heard, she has to be alive, I’m going to bring you your guaina‘, and he went that way,” the woman recalled.

The girl’s father (left), along with the pastor of the Paraje Seguín church.

About the discovery of Romina, which today he is 31 years oldthere are two versions: on the one hand, the family claims that it was Cacho who found her sleeping next to a tree, very close to the spring.

The Police, meanwhile, reported that it was two officers who located her next to an old tree that had a huge branch recently broken, even though there were no storms in the area. The police said they had to crawl through the undergrowth to get there, and that they did so because they saw some scavenger birds flying in circles over the area.

The girl I was totally powerless, half naked and her clothes hanging from some bushes. On his back they found a mark similar to a tattoo. The girl was rushed to the Samic Hospital in Oberá, where she received medical attention and support for the trauma she experienced. Her recovery required almost two months of hospitalization.

She has almost no memories of the odyssey she experienced on the Colonia Seguín mountain while she was lost. “The dogs ran at me and bit me a lot, until a horse appeared and kicked them and they ran away. “That horse saved me”, he said. And he added: “I remember that the monkeys gave me fruit.”

His miraculous story revives the hope of finding Loan alive in 9 de Julio, Corrientes, about whom nothing has been known since last Thursday.

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