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4 new banks join the UVA loan boom


The dream of owning your own home is becoming more and more latent. To the 16 banking entities that offer their lines of mortgage credits Four more were added: The banks belonging to the Petersen Group launched their new UVA loans in pesos and with terms of up to 20 years. Specifically designed to provide access to housing, the new credits They are available in four provinces of the country: Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, San Juan and Santa Cruz.

Starting next Tuesday, June 25, the banks of the four provinces will allow finance up to 75% of the value of a property to acquire, with a repayment period of up to 20 years and They will be in adjustable weights by UVAplus one nominal annual fixed rate of 5.5% for clients who collect their salary in each of the entities and the 7.5% for those who do not prove salaries.

“From our banks we design a solid, accessible and long-term financial solution for those who want to fulfill the dream of having their own home,” they indicated from the Petersen Group, and highlighted that “with this tool we continue to be close to all our clients, creating and offering value proposals so that they can continue to carry out their projects with the help of the local bank.” Furthermore, they highlighted as a differential of this new line, that Fire insurance will be subsidized during the first 12 months.

Furthermore, one thing to keep in mind is that The loans will allow you to finance up to 75% of the value of the property, with a maximum of $200 million and with a minimum of $10 million.

The new credits are available in four provinces of the country: Santa Fe, Entre Ríos, San Juan and Santa CruzGBJSTOCK – Shutterstock

Mortgage loans: the new lines allow you to request a maximum of $200 million

The National Securities Commission (CNV) reported that the Government decided remove the parking for the purchase of the MEP dollar in real estate operations. This means that Anyone who takes out a UVA loan in pesos to buy a property will be able to access the dollars immediately. This news is key because until now – due to the dollar clampdown – whoever agreed to a loan had to “negotiate” to pay for the property in pesos with the seller, who had to wait at least 24 hours to access the dollars.

He MEP dollar It is recognized as the “stock market dollar”, a financial modality that allows the acquisition of bonds with pesos, and then sell them in dollars. This process requires 24 hours of parkingwhich implies that on the day of writing, The seller of the property could not immediately access the foreign currency to make the payment simultaneously with the signing of the deed.

The real estate market leaders saw this obstacle as a problem since, through this process, no one would agree to sign a sale without the dollars in hand, which is why they eagerly awaited the change.

The development of mortgage credit is important for Argentines and for the capital market. Through general resolution 1004, UVA mortgage loans are exempt from parking to make operations viable,” reported the president of the CNV, Roberto Silva.

Along the same lines, the president of the College of Notaries of the City of Buenos Aires, notary Jorge De Bártolo, considered “The resolution is very correct” and recognized that in Argentina, a week can be equivalent to a year in exchange terms: “simultaneity of times in credit management is vital so that the notary can save time with the study of titles and corroborate that the property to be acquired is in perfect condition. That is why we propose that the notarial role begins in that minute 0 in which the credit is requested. And a secure title is a secure credit.”

On June 10, the elimination of the MEP dollar parking in real estate operations with UVA credits came into effect.Shutterstock

This way the modifications introduced for mortgage credit operations are the following:

In this sense, Agents must verify compliance with the established conditions prior to managing any of the aforementioned operations.preserving the supporting documentation in the clients’ respective files.

The purchase and sale of MEP dollar It can be done through financial intermediaries or directly from the home banking of certain banks. Once you have an account on a platform that allows the purchase of MEP dollars, You can proceed to purchase the bond which, with this modification, will be sold automatically.


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