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Analía Franchín’s moving farewell to her sister Sandra: “Be free”

Through social networks, the journalist said goodbye to her sister Sandra with an emotional post (Instagram)

Sandra, sister of Analía Franchín, died at 61, after struggling for several years against different addictions and an HIV diagnosis. The death of the woman plunged the panelist into deep sadness. A la Barbarossa (Telefe), since not only did they have a close relationship, but he was also there to accompany her throughout the most difficult moments of her life. Hours after her departure, she expressed her anguish through social media.

“The pain floods me, how can I say goodbye to you if since I can remember my goal was for ‘you to have a happy day in your life’?”, he began writing in the publication that he dedicated to his sister. “We may have done it for at least a few hours on the beach or on the occasional Christmas. Today I am very angry. Much with the demons that invaded you all your life and the people who helped you cradle them”he continued.

It’s going to pass me by now. Surely the day you send me some sign that you were finally able to defeat them,” Analía noted in that same post, which was accompanied by a video and some photos of her sister throughout her life. “I hugged you and kissed you until the last moment. Unfortunately it’s not enough for me.”he acknowledged in the midst of the distressing moment he is going through with his loved ones.

Franchín’s emotional post to his sister, who died this Wednesday morning (Instagram)

Supporting that line, he added: “Someone told me: ‘I’m sending you a big hug, the kind that holds you while you let go…’. I don’t know if I’m ready for that, little sister. But I want to tell you that I am proud to have been in your life (very unruly, by the way) but I would choose you again”. In closing, he wrote: “I love you today and always my beautiful dwarf. Thanks for being. Be free (we must meet once more Bohemian Rhapsody together)”.

The journalist’s farewell He received countless comments from figures in the entertainment world and his followers.who supported her in this difficult time. Patricia Sosa, marley, Gaston Pauls, Graciela Alfano, Carla Peterson, Claudia Villafañe and Pachu Pena were some of the many names that resonated among the messages of support. From his followers there were also words of encouragement and affection for what happened.

One of the postcards from her childhood that the panelist chose to say goodbye to her sister (Instagram)
Sandra, the panelist’s sister, who fought against several addictions and an HIV diagnosis (Instagram)
Sandra during her younger years (Instagram)

The death of Franchín’s sister was confirmed to Teleshow by herself, who found out during a cut of the program hosted by Georgina Barbarossa. She was soon restrained by her teammates, while the presenter did her best to continue with the broadcast. “What happens is… well, later we’re going to talk. Anyway, in a little while we are going to…”, she explained with her eyes full of tears, so she had to be assisted by journalist Lío Pecoraro. “Sorry, They just gave us bad news and we are all a little mobilized here in the studio”, he added.

This Thursday he referred to it again, at the end of his program, where he commented: “Yesterday they saw us in a bad way when we returned from the cut. We were all totally upset because Analía Franchín received the news that her sister had died at that moment.. And since it got very bad, we were all very bad and out of touch, and I had to continue with the program. But I couldn’t say that Sandra had died at that moment because we didn’t know if her family and friends knew.”

Georgina Barbarossa spoke about the death of Analia Franchin’s sister at the end of her program (Video: A la Barbarossa -Telefe)

“Everyone called me to ask me: ‘What happened to you?’, because we were all emotional and crying. And the truth is that it totally threw us off axis. So we accompanied her and her entire family because she is a wonderful companion. We love her very much and we accompany her in this moment of deep pain,” added the host of the cycle.

It is worth mentioning that the bond between the panelist and her sister was very strong. “My two sisters, their father abandoned them. When he went up and told my mother that he was leaving with another woman, my little sister, who is my older sister and was five years old at the time, she hung, desperate, from the windshield of the car because her father was leaving. And he dragged her a block. My sister ended up hospitalized. My sisters never saw their father again“, Analía said during her visit to PH, We can talk (Telefe), in mid-June 2017.

The journalist referred to the addictions that her sister suffered and how she dealt with them (Video: PH, We can talk – Telefe)

Also at that time he referred to Sandra’s difficult state of health. “It’s fighting it day by day. We help her a lot, because It’s a fight. God I hope not, but I think he already lost her, unfortunately”, he acknowledged at that time in Andy Kusnetzoff’s cycle. “It is very difficult and it marks you, because arguments begin to arise in the family: whether you think he is doing it on purpose, if he is not doing it on purpose, whether he sought it out or not,” he explained. And he added: “My father has already passed away, but this has brought a lot of conflict between my parents. One said ‘I think he chooses it’, the other said not. I believe that no one chooses it. Clearly, It is a disease and it is tremendous. That ended up causing depression in my mother.. “I adore my sister, I don’t blame her.”

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