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This will be the fight plan that will affect classes at the UNLP for 3 days

Teachers and non-teachers of the National University of La Plata (UNLP) They will lead 72 hours of protests to demand better salaries and more budget. After several meetings, the unions decided to carry out different actions to make the conflict with the Ministry of Human Capital of the Nation.

As reported a statement he Trade Union Front of National Universities (FSUN) decided not to carry out a new “strike” as a measure of force, but rather “72 hours of visibility of the university conflict, throughout the country, on June 25, 26 and 27”.

In this framework, the workers also called for a rally at the Sarmiento Palace, where the portfolio in charge of Sandra Pettovelloto deliver a petition demanding parity.

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Teachers and non-teachers from the UNLP will hold conferences to make visible the critical situation that the sector is going through.

In the call, signed by the different unions that make up the front, teachers and non-teachers from public universities are called to “establish themselves in a state of alert and permanent deliberation with the goal of standing before the national government and forcing it to convene a real joint meeting.” that responds to our specifications, gets us out of the salary crisis and resolves the university situation.

The demand for the budget for universities

The section on which the measure is based raises “the great salary crisis for teachers and non-teachers”, which pushes the “deepening of the Fight Plan of the Trade Union Front of National Universities.” And he adds that this crisis “is not resolved only by increasing operating expenses (10% of the total budget) because the recovery of the salaries of teachers and non-teachers and the scholarships that allow students to stay at the University and graduate are missing.

The claim – it should be remembered – is related to the lack of a call from the national Government to agree on an update of their salary and has as its background the previous decision of the Board of Directors and Plenary of General Secretaries of the Argentine Federation of Workers of National Universities (FATUN)to continue with an action plan with a 72-hour national strike.

According to union sources, The concrete actions in La Plata will be on Monday and will be taken by the local union front that makes up the UNLP Teachers Association (ADULP)the UNLP Workers Association (ATULP) and the University Federation of La Plata (FULP). But public classes and some torchlight marches are being considered. While the concentration in front of the Ministry of Education of the Nation will be on Tuesday the 25th at 12.

The reasons for the protest in the UNLP

The reasons that led the unions to deepen the force measures and promote a three-day force measure are the following:

  • The 4% salary increase granted by decree is disrespectful, humiliating and out of context, discrediting collective bargaining and general level parity
  • The Minister of Human Capital having recognized the 40% salary delay, her subsequent absence left no response that would allow us to overcome the current paralysis
  • The unity of the university community is founded on the solidarity of its actors in the face of the demand for their needs.

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Next week public classes will return to the UNLP

For the reasons mentioned, it was then decided to continue the Action Plan with these 72-hour days of visibility, to define in unity with the FSUN the next measures and the times of said plan, to promote measures in unity with the university community that confirm the commitment of all sectors, demand that the Higher Councils of the National Universities be issued on the salary situation of workers and scholarships for students and reject the repressive policy of the national Government and the criminalization of protest with urgent liberation and reparation of the victims.

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