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The crossing between Victoria Villarruel and Juan Grabois in networks: Toy revolutionary

The Vice President Victoria Villarruel targeted Juan Grabois after the social leader criticized her for her salary as a State official: “Toy revolutionary.”

The conflict began when the running mate of Javier Milei argue against Myriam Bregman, who criticized the Government for the Flag Day event in Rosario: “Bregman, you do not have any moral authority to talk about the Grenadiers and the President. You do not sing the Anthem but you do receive the salary of the Argentine State“Let’s talk about you.”

Quickly, Juan Grabois went to the intersection and crossed the leader of La Libertad Avanza due to her income in her capacity as vice president. “I do sing the anthem; I never received anything from the State – objective data vs. defamatory story – which, playing the role of guardian of morality and surplus He charges 8 pesos per month, 32 minimum wages, it’s not Myriam, it’s you…All of ours! paid for by the State that you want to destroy from within! For a recovered democracy judging your idols Videla and Galtieri! Hypocrite. “They are not even the right, they are cadets of wealth and mules of the red circle,” he said.

The social leader also assured that “indeed Rosario’s act was small…Squalid if it were not for the men and women of the democratic Armed Forces brought down in obedience to a partisan act by their hierarchical superior. PS2: What happens if you don’t present your party’s contributors and expenses report? “You have one business day left.”

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Juan Grabois criticized Victoria Villarruel online.

The crossing between Victoria Villarruel and Juan Grabois

Villarruel, for his part, He called Grabois an “inveterate stalker” and, regarding his salary and his past linked to a representative of the dictatorship, he assured that “while you planted parsley in captured fields and were polishing the bomb-throwing Montoneros with flannel, I fought for their victims without human rights. Perhaps in your microclimate of goat and communism, do not know that my salary is lower than that of the deputies, because as vice president I am not a senator and as such I am part of the Executive Branch.

And he added: “Now I say goodbye asking that your arrogance pass.” and reminding you that if the event was “small”, the support of the Argentine people who elected us at the polls (where it matters) was enormous“.

In an extensive tweet, the leader of the Frente Patria Grande movement He redoubled his bet and listed 10 points, in which he complained to the Villarruel Government about its past linked to terrorist figures.Milei’s alliance with Patricia Bullrich, the “open privileges” of the Executive Branch and the lack of food in the dining rooms.

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The vice president made her reply after Grabois’ complaint and concluded: “It’s a lot of pretending to be a Catholic, but with the vomit you left, you’re ready for the sequel to The Exorcist. Toy revolutionary. Circle communist gnome, circle. And now yes, a very good weekend to the Argentine people.”

Victoria Villarrruel crossed paths with a Spanish representative in the middle of Javier Milei’s trip

This Friday, Vice President Victoria Villarruel had a meeting with the former Minister of Equality and Podemos leader, Irene Montero, and diplomatic tension increased in the midst of a new presidential trip: “Worry about your country.”

Through her official account on the X platform (ex Twitter), MEP Montero criticized the presence of Javier Milei in her country: “We ask the European Commissionto act to guarantee the rights of the Argentine people, especially women and LGTBI people. We are concerned that the PP (Popular Party) uses the institutions to reward (Javier) Milei, responsible for policies of misery and criminalizing human rights defenders.”

Villarruel immediately responded in defense of his fellow formula mate and described Argentina as “a free people”. “Argentina It is a free people that does not allow itself to be pressured by any foreign country.. “We are a proud country that wants its families strong and criminals in prisons, especially rapists… the complete opposite of you, so worry about your country and we will take care of ours,” he noted.

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