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Javier Milei confirmed that there was 0% inflation in the third week of June and denied that the IMF asked him for a devaluation

At the same time, he highlighted that his economic plan received praise around the world. “There is no country in the world that does not recognize our titanic task in terms of the adjustment we are making“They praise our policy,” the president celebrated.

Javier Milei said that in the third week of June there was 0 inflation

In dialogue with radio Miter this morning, Milei He maintained that “signs are beginning to appear that things are working” in relation to zero inflation, a fact that was not recorded in the Argentine economy 30 years ago. “It would have been a catastrophe if we did not act correctly,” the president warned.

Along these lines, he reiterated: “The truth is that coming from 17,000% and going down to 50% inflation, without there being two hyperinflations in the middle, real wages being liquefied or an expropriation like Plan Bonex, or prices being fixed or fix the exchange rate, speaks of the misery of other colleagues.

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Javier Milei denied that the IMF asked him for a devaluation

Meanwhile, the president denied that The IMF has requested a devaluation from the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputo, within the framework of the new agreement. “That is false. In fact, Minister Caputo himself came out to explain that when the report is read correctly, it does not indicate that,” he said.

According to Milei, There are sectors that benefit from keeping low salaries in dollars, which increases poverty and destitution. “There are sectors that It is convenient for them to have salaries in low dollars and poorer and more destitute. We believe it works differently.”

He also clarified that the solution to the economy in Argentina is not a devaluation. “Argentina’s problem is not monetary, it is a competitiveness problem and that cannot be fixed by devaluing,” he stressed.

On the other hand, he emphasized his policy of zero fiscal deficit and pointed out the key to his adjustment plan: “If we are not issuing money to finance the treasury, if the only issue we have left is for the issue of remunerated employees and we have cleaned them up in an important way because what is left are remunerated from the public sector” he assured.

Finally, Milei reaffirmed his belief in generating wealth through productivity and not printing money. “Wealth is not printed, wealth is generated”held.

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