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Gboard: the four unknown tricks of Google’s virtual keyboard to optimize its functions

In addition to typing fast and correcting spelling errors, the writing software will implement new tools for its users. Get to know each one of them in detail.

Google; keyboard. Photo: Unsplash.

The application gboardthe virtual keyboard developed by Google for devices Android and iOSis in the process of adding a series of new features based on the artificial intelligence (AI).

The writing software includes a large number of tools, such as making the mobile keyboard help write more comfortablysaving time or making corrections in real time.

In this way, you will have the ability to examine the newly written text and, if necessary, restructure it to offer a more concise alternative.

Google; keyboard. Photo: Unsplash.

The same will not activate automatically and the user can decide when to use this option. On the other hand, it will be in charge of identifying and correcting grammatical errors.

For example, when the user types a phrase, a button will appear at the top of the keyboard that says ‘Fix it‘ either ‘Repair it‘ in Spanish, accompanied by the symbol autocorrect.

In addition to this, there are other tools that were added and allow: dictating to the keyboard, knowing the last links copied, creating emojis or extending the limits of the on-screen keyboard.

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Dictate messages

For this, it will be necessary enable voice typing, a benefit that extends to any app that uses the mobile keyboard. Then, look at the top of the keyboard for the microphone option and click there.

When the ‘Talk’ message appears you can start talking. To use punctuation marks They will have to be added verbally, as if it were an interpreter.

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clipboard store

All the cuts that were made over time are saved on the clipboard, with the possibility of recovering them. In addition, it is closely linked to the keyboard we use.

Every time you select and copy content, in addition to being able to paste it elsewhere, stored on clipboard. So we can access it later to use it again without having to copy again.

Emojis. Photo: Unsplash.

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Emoji creation

Gboard’s custom emojis are the most interesting. This feature allows you combine two emoticons into a single and convert them into a sticker.

All you have to do is open the emoji panel and select two of them. Then, wait for them to merge at the top and select the result to send it.

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Full screen

On any Android device you can type using the keyboard on a larger screen by turning the phone horizontal position to use the keyboard in larger dimensions, something that will come in handy on many occasions to be able to write more comfortably.

On the other hand, the mode for a single hand makes the keyboard become more little. This makes it easier to type if you can only hold the device with one hand.

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