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Díaz-Canel welcomes withdrawal of troops after coup attempt in Bolivia • Workers

The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel, welcomed the withdrawal of troops from Plaza Murillo in La Paz, capital of Bolivia, after the neutralization of the attempted coup d’état in this South American nation.

In his account on X, the president expressed Cuba’s support for the legitimate government of Luis Arce and asserted that another military coup would be a new affront to Latin America as a zone of peace.

“It is exciting to hear the Bolivian people singing, with the national anthem, their support for the legitimate Arce government,” he declared, adding that it is a worthy Latin American tribute to the 116th anniversary of the former Chilean president and politician, Salvador Allende.

In the last hours, military coup plotters tried to take over the government headquarters and closed Plaza Murillo, the political epicenter of La Paz.

The state channel Bolivia Tv also showed how the Military Police, with riot shields, prevented the free movement of people and used gas against civilians who tried to approach the government headquarters and even journalists.

With the swearing in of new military commanders by President Arce, the coup attempt in the South American country was neutralized.

The head of state appointed Major General José Wilson as the new general commander of the Army, who in his first public intervention ordered the return of all soldiers to the barracks.

Cuban government condemns coup attempt in Bolivia

The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, strongly condemned the attack on democracy and the Bolivian people that can be seen in the images of the international media. He repudiated the ongoing coup attempt and expressed the full solidarity of the Cuban government and people with the government and people of Bolivia.

In his messages, the Cuban president denounced signs of possible military action against the Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, which would have serious consequences. He rejected attempts to subvert the popular will and reiterated his support for President Luis Arce.

For his part, the Secretary of Organization of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Roberto Morales Ojeda, also expressed through X Cuba’s solidarity with the government and people of Bolivia in the face of the attempted coup d’état. He denounced those who attack the democracy of that country, since the popular will cannot be subverted, and reaffirmed that Latin America and the Caribbean are a zone of peace.

Likewise, the Cuban Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodríguez, spoke about the irregular mobilizations of some units of the Bolivian Army, describing them as very worrying. He forcefully rejected these acts and expressed Cuba’s solidarity with President Luis Arce. He reiterated that Latin America and the Caribbean must remain a zone of peace.

The highest Cuban authorities strongly condemned the attempted coup d’état in Bolivia, expressed their solidarity with the Bolivian government and people, and rejected any action that threatens democracy and the popular will in that sister country.

The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, called this Wednesday from the Casa Grande del Pueblo (government headquarters) to resist against the attempted coup d’état led by General Juan José Zúñiga, head of the Army.

Serene and surrounded by his entire cabinet, the president called for unity to prevent the coup attempt from becoming a reality, in a message broadcast by the state channel Bolivia TV.

“We call on everyone to defend democracy, and here we are firm from the Big House,” he said.

Bolivian Prosecutor’s Office Orders Investigation into Coup General

The Attorney General’s Office today ordered the beginning of legal actions for the criminal investigation against General Juan José Zúñiga, who led an attempted coup in Bolivia and has already been apprehended.

The actions include all other participants in the events that occurred this day and that constitute criminal offenses, he said in a statement.

According to the text, the Prosecutor’s Office will arrange for the deployment of all necessary efforts to obtain the elements of conviction.

In addition, the issuance of the requirements, subpoena orders, orders and duly substantiated resolutions that correspond to the clarification of the fact investigated and the imposition of the maximum sanction on those responsible.

“The Attorney General’s Office reaffirms its commitment to defending the rule of law and the general interests of society within the framework of preserving our democracy,” he stressed.

This afternoon, General Juan José Zúñiga, head of the Army, assured that together with three commanders he went to take the presidential house and change the Cabinet, while some soldiers launched gas against the population concentrated around Plaza Murillo in this city.

After forcing the doors with an armored car, the military occupied the Quemado Palace, headquarters of the Government.

President Arce confronted the coup leader Zúñiga and ordered him to demobilize the rebels.

Then, he installed new military commanders in the Casa Grande del Pueblo amid the shouts of hundreds of people who gathered to support him at the government headquarters.

As the new general commander of the Army, he appointed Major General José Wilson, who in his first public intervention ordered the return of all soldiers to the barracks.

Likewise, he called on the coup general Juan José Zúñiga to abandon his attitude and prevent the Bolivian Armed Forces from being stained with blood again.

The attempted coup d’état has been defeated with the possession of new military commanders, the government of the Plurinational State stated today in a statement.

The military retreated immediately after the new commanders took office, consolidating the president’s control and leadership. The ceremony took place in the Casa Grande del Pueblo in an extraordinary event, stated the Bolivian government text.

Luis Arce addresses the people of Bolivia

The President of Bolivia, Luis Alberto Arce, went out to Murillo Square to address the people gathered in support of the democratically elected Government in the country.

They neutralize a coup d’état in Bolivia

With the swearing in of new military commanders by the president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, the coup attempt in the South American country was neutralized.

The President of the Plurinational State appointed Major General José Wilson as the new Commander General of the Army, who in his first public speech ordered all military personnel to return to their barracks.

With the swearing in of new military commanders by the president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, the coup attempt in the South American country was neutralized.

The president of the Plurinational State appointed Major General José Wilson as the new general commander of the Army, who in his first public intervention ordered the return of all soldiers to the barracks.

Bolivian people resist coup plotters

Shouting “they are not going to do what they did to us in 2019”, the population rejects the attempted coup d’état in the center of La Paz, while the military tries to disperse them with tear gas.

Mario Seña, representing the Unity Pact related to the Government, called on the people to mobilize in defense of democracy and asked all social organizations to remain in a state of emergency.

All sectors of society insist on the call for the military to change their attitude and respect the Political Constitution of the State.

Former President Evo Morales today called for a strike and a road closure against the attempted coup d’état underway, according to the state channel Bolivia TV.

In the same sense, other leaders of social organizations loyal to President Luis Arce speak out.

General Juan José Zúñiga, head of the Army, assured that together with three commanders he came to take the presidential house and change the cabinet, while the military evicts and gasses the population concentrated around the presidential house, including attacks against journalists.

The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, today denounced irregular movements of members of the Army, given the unusual presence of soldiers who closed Plaza Murillo, the political epicenter of La Paz.

“We denounce irregular mobilizations of some units of the Bolivian Army. “Democracy must be respected,” the dignitary wrote on his X account (formerly Twitter).

In the same sense, Foreign Minister Celinda Sosa spoke out, with a call to the international community in the face of the coup attempt and requesting international condemnation.

The state-run channel Bolivia TV showed how the Military Police, with riot shields, prevented the free movement of people and used tear gas against civilians trying to approach the Casa Grande del Pueblo (government headquarters).

Previously, former president Evo Morales denounced this Wednesday an alleged “quartering” of the Armed Forces.

“For the past hour, division commanders have instructed regimental commanders to return immediately to their barracks to await further arrangements (quartering).

“This raises many suspicions of the military movement in Bolivia,” he wrote on his X account.

The population begins to mobilize towards Plaza Murillo with slogans in defense of democracy.

The Minister of the Presidency, María Nela Prada, denounced on the state channel that the troops took all the corners of the Casa Grande del Pueblo, the Chancellery and the Legislative Assembly.

He indicated that apparently it is General Zúñiga’s response after his dismissal this Wednesday for issuing deliberative statements in the political sense, which constitutes a break in the constitutional order. (With information from PL, Cubadebate and PCC)

Also read:

International support for a frustrated coup attempt in Bolivia

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