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Coup in Bolivia continues, political analyst warns – Juventud Rebelde

Political analyst Hugo Moldiz assured today that “the coup d’état in Bolivia continues,” after the arrest of former Army chief General Juan José Zúñiga and others involved in the frustrated riot.

Moldiz assured in an interview with Bolivia TV that those interested in interrupting the mandate of the constitutional president, Luis Arce, now intend to impose the matrix of a self-coup, based on the first messages published on social networks.

Considered one of the most important Bolivian political analysts, Moldiz emphasized the need to investigate the tentacles behind the apprehended soldier, Prensa Latina reports.

He mentioned as significant that, in the midst of the coup action, Zúñiga expressed the decision to release executors of the November 2019 coup such as Luis Fernando Camacho and Jeanine Áñez, whom he described as “political prisoners.”

In this context, the Attorney General’s Office initiated legal actions for the criminal investigation against Zúñiga and his followers.

Moldiz considers that the investigation must be in-depth and seek Zúñiga’s links with internal political actors and also abroad.

“Without accusing anyone, history shows us that in Latin America and the Caribbean where there is a coup d’état is the United States, the danger has not passed,” said the political scientist.

On the 24th of this month, the Bolivian Foreign Ministry warned the chargé d’affaires of the United States, Debra Hevia, about statements and actions carried out by personnel of that embassy that are considered interference in internal affairs.

“The Plurinational State of Bolivia promotes a foreign policy based on the principles of equality, non-interference and respect for sovereignty, within the framework of the norms of international law that regulate diplomatic relations,” says the statement published last Monday.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Plurinational State assured without providing further elements that, along these lines, it “rejects any type of action that promotes interference in our country.”

However, in a speech on May 27 regarding the 215th anniversary of the creation of the First Regiment of Infantry Colorados of Bolivia Presidential Escort, Arce maintained that the conspiring forces hide their intentions to attack the constitutional order.

He described as “sinister” those plans aimed at a soft coup or a shortening of the government’s mandate, warning that, as in the past, Bolivia faces “enormous” external and internal threats against the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the homeland.

The president indicated that, therefore, it is key to persist in the sovereign, anti-hegemonic and multipolar path.

The head of state explained that, like several countries, Bolivia has “certain difficulties in the availability of the dollar”, however, it does not mean that there is a structural economic crisis, as the opposition intends to position to generate a political crisis and shorten the government mandate. .

He indicated that it is “(…) important to work on a security and defense doctrine that expresses the definitive departure from the old national security doctrine and the desires of the Monroe Doctrine, which is experienced through the Southern Command” with the objective of appropriate Bolivian strategic resources.

He insisted that today again the anti-patriotic sectors seek to convulse the country and, finally, divide the territory and “confront each other.”

He also warned in another speech for the 72nd anniversary of the Military Aviation College this May 31, that it is intended to impose anxiety through rumors, false perceptions and tactics of imperial powers, with which an attempt is made to show Bolivia as a “failed” State. .

“Without any pretense they want to control lithium, rare earths, fresh water and other strategic resources (…),” he concluded.

Apparently, all these alerts are related to the adventure undertaken today by Zúñiga and the political forces hidden behind him.

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