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Who is the colonel (r.) who was removed from the Intelligence Directorate after accusations from the Court for ‘tricks’?

After EL TIEMPO revealed that members of the Constitutional Court asked him to the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate alleged monitoring, profiling and even illegal interceptions of its members and even those around them, several investigations were ordered.

According to the criteria of

In addition to the Prosecutor’s Office and the Attorney General’s Office, a senior official of the Petro Government, systematically reluctant to speak to the media, Carlos Ramón González (founder of the M-19 and now a member of the Green Alliance), head of the National Intelligence Directorate (DNI), came out to give explanations both in Congress and to the press.

Change at the top

Manuel Casanova, former director of the DNI; and René Guarín, head of the Presidency’s technology office.

Photo:Private file

He was part of one of the intelligence directorates (…) with my arrival, there was a specific indication of this man by the magistrates of the high courts”: Carlos Ramón González.

After pointing out that there is no Orion plan to monitor magistrates, opposition or journalists, did mention that, at the instruction of President Petro himself, changes were made to the leadership of the DNI.

Discreetly and without further explanation, in February Manuel Casanova, another former M-19, was relieved of the management of that entity. And he was also moved to Casa de Nariño René Guarín.

And Carlos Ramón González himself He said that he had removed, on February 20, one of the heads of one of the intelligence directorates, at the direct request of President Petro: Colonel (r.) Edwin Chavarro Rojas.

He was part of one of the intelligence directorates (…) with my arrival, there was a specific accusation of this man by the magistrates of the high courts”González assured.

Colonel (r) Edwin Chavarro.

Photo:Cundinamarca Governorate

And he said that, with his arrival at the DNI, President Gustavo Petro asked him to make changes that would eliminate any type of suspicion about the entity’s behavior.

González also pointed out: “He (Edwin Chavarro) was not involved in any of that (chuzadas), we checked if there were illegal interceptions and in the DNI we determined that in this Government I am absolutely certain that this does not happen”.

And he took the opportunity to deny his links with the corruption scandal in the National Disaster Risk Management Unit (UNGRD).

Chavarro’s past in the Police

General (r) Óscar Naranjo.

Photo:Gabrielle Gutierrez Gualteros

Colonel Chavarro has training in Police Administration; Intelligence and Counterintelligence; operations against Terrorism and Drug Trafficking; and Senior Management and Public Administration.

One of his colleagues pointed out that he was brought to the DNI by Casanova to create a kind of intelligence school, which would train people for the new government in that area.

According to They point out that when he was active, he was head of the DIJIN Anti-Extortion and Kidnapping Investigative Unit; from the Anti-Drug Trafficking Analysis Unit-DIPOL; from the liaison office of the Colombian National Police to EUROPOL (The Hague, Netherlands); of the Counterintelligence area of ​​the DIPOL and Operations against Urban Terrorism Networks RAT (Intelligence of the General Command of the FFMM).

Also He was private secretary of General Óscar Naranjo Trujillo; delegate officer of the National Police to the Strategic Transition Command (COET) of the Armed Forces, and member of the technical subcommittee for the end of the conflict of the National Government for peace negotiations with the FARC in Havana (Cuba), among other notable positions.

Casanova and the changes

At the time, TIME He contacted Casanova to find out his version of the departure of the DNI. But he said that he did not want to speak out.

It is now known that he is the executive director of a foundation dedicated to carrying out social projects with different social groups, such as philosophy programs for children, strategic planning, direction of the philosophy program for children, and support projects for ex-combatants.

About Guarín, this week it was learned that an investigation was requested to find out if the office in charge of him in Casa de Nariño -Secretary of Communications and Technology- was linked to the ‘chuzadas’, conduct that he denied in dialogue with EL TIEMPO and invited an investigation.

This newspaper looked for Chavarro to know their version of the release of the DNI, but at the close of this edition it had not been possible.

So far it is not known if Chavarro left due to a resignation or because he was declared insubsistent.


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