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Study claims that people with tattoos may be more likely to develop lymphatic cancer

June 27 2024 – 18:30 hrs.

A recent study published by Lund University, in Swedenindicates that people who have become tattoos they have one increased chance of developing cancer of the lymphatic system or lymphoma.

For the research, 11,905 people were studied; First, those who suffered lymphoma were identified and compared with a group of people of the same age and sex, but who did not have the disease. The objective was determine the risk factors What tattoos have in this type of cancer.

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Tattoos / Aton Chile (Reference photo)

The conclusion surprised many: “After taking into account other relevant factors, such as smoking and age, we found that the The risk of developing lymphoma was 21% higher among those who were tattooed.“he assured Christel Nielsena researcher at the educational center who led the study.

Is there a greater risk of suffering from lymphatic cancer if you have more than one tattoo or if they are larger?

Another of the results that the study sought to achieve was to answer the question about Whether larger tattoos increase the chance of getting lymphoma cancer or not either If the number of tattoos is relevant.

Laboratory research / Pexels (Reference)

The conclusion was unexpected, since the tattooed surface area on the body turned out not to matter in the chances of developing this cancer. It is also not relevant if you have one or more tattoos.since having only one the probability increases in relation to those who do not have them.


“We were surprised to see that there was no additional increase in risk among those who had very large tattoos, which was something we expected to see. On the contrary, We saw that one tattoo was enough“, the researcher commented.

“We still don’t know why this was the case. One can only speculate that a tattoo, regardless of size, causes mild inflammation in the body, which in turn can lead to cancer“Nielsen added.

Why would tattoos increase the chance of having lymphatic cancer?

As the researcher explained, “when tattoo ink is injected into the skin, The body interprets it as something foreign that shouldn’t be there and the immune system is activated. Much of the ink is transported from the skin to the lymph nodes, where it is deposited.”

It is worth remembering that cancer of the lymphatic system affects the part of the body that helps fight germs and diseases, that is, the immune systemaccording to Mayo Clinic.

However, the expert was cautious in clarifying that more studies are still needed on this topic. In any case, the research assures that most people get their first tattoo when they are young, which means that They live longer exposed to inkAnother factor to consider is the type of ink, as some often contain chemicals considered carcinogenic.

Now, the group from Lund University will seek to investigate If there is any relationship between tattoos and other types of cancerThe aim is also to find out whether the skin patterns could be linked to other inflammatory diseases.

This article It is designed to inform and is not intended to provide medical advice or solutions..

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