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Bullrich said that they will use equipment to “check animal bellies” and stated that the minor was in the orange grove.


14 days after the search for Loan Peña (5) began in the province of Corrientes, the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrichanticipated that they will carry out “specialized searches” this weekend in the area of ​​the orange grove, where the minor was last seen. During his stay in LN+also spoke about the implementation of Radiological equipment to “see the belly of animals” and to rule out that the child was devoured. He also stated, in contrast to what was stated last Monday by the prosecutors of the Goya Fiscal Unit, Guillermo Barry and Juan Carlos Castillo, that there is photographic evidence that places Loan in the orange grove.

In dialogue with Eduardo Feinmann, the head of the Security portfolio admitted that “it is a difficult case” since “it has multiple aspects and hypotheses.” “It could have been an accident, a lost child, a natural situation, or even human trafficking. There are many working hypotheses. It is a scene where there are a lot of people and suddenly there is a little boy who is lost without any kind of noise, scream, car or motor,” explained Bullrich.

“There is no evidence at any point to confirm how he was taken out of there. There is no evidence of how Loan disappeared. The boys at the Gesell Chamber say he left alone. Did he leave just because someone called him? Did you go alone and have any problems with an animal? At first, prosecutors had said that he never went to the orange grove. That is a lie. “We have a photo of Loan in that place in the company of older adults and other children.”he said.

In that sense, he considered it necessary to establish “a starting point” and, for them, he highlighted: “We have to rebuild everything and analyze the area in depth.”

Although Bullrich recognizes that the theory about a possible abduction for human trafficking “is the strongest,” he said that he personally does not rule out that the child may have suffered some type of accident: “It is an area where there are jaguars, pumas, and vipers. “People dig wells to get mud to make bricks.”With that in mind, the former president of Pro announced that “specialized searches” will be carried out over the weekend and new equipment will be available for the investigations.

“We are going to go with everything. We are going with divers, with mountain personnel, radiological equipment to see the animals’ bellies. We have to go with everything.”he sentenced.

During the interview, the Minister of Security also responded to criticism from the opposition for the late involvement of Javier Milei’s government in the investigation. She blamed the first prosecutor in the case for not having provided the Nation with data about the case. “We found out on TV”he lamented. But he stressed: “From that moment, the Ministry of Security team moved to Corrientes. We were blind but we went there.”

Likewise, the official said that the President was aware of the search: “I had spoken with him several times when he was traveling. I called him in Spain, Germany and Prague. He was aware. I kept him informed. I gave him information and admitted the difficulties we had. Days later, when he returned, I brought him a report. The President was very interested in meeting them. I told him I didn’t want to abandon the field search. He told me to do what the experts told me.”.

Finally, Bullrich made an assessment about the display of posters with Loan’s face during the debate on the Bases Law in Deputies. Unlike Hernán Lombardi, a Pro legislator, he considered that the attitude of the Unión por la Patria bloc was “good.” “I think it’s a good thing they put it there. They’re joining the search. I don’t think it’s a political use. It’s a way of using a place that’s going to be on television for quite a few hours with the 134″.


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