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Axel Kicillof warned that the Bases Law could deepen the loss of rights and the drop in income and consumption

The Buenos Aires governor, Axel Kicillof, warned this Thursday that the Base Law could deepen the economic policy in which the government of Javier Milei “has already advanced” and which implies a “drop in income, loss of rights and drop in consumption.”

“There is not a single article, beyond economic, ideological or partisan positions, that benefits the province of Buenos Aires. There is not a single article that is good for workers, middle and professional sectors,” he said in dialogue with Of One by C5N.

The president pointed out that “Milei, without the Bases Law, has already advanced with an economic policy in which this law participates, and this is what we see: drop in income, loss of rights and, of course, this generates a drop in consumption “We are in a calamitous and disastrous situation,” he warned.

“Consumption has fallen a lot, there are almost 10 points of unemployment in the Buenos Aires suburbs, and it hits harder because we are the productive province par excellence. We have 50% of the national industry and “All measures, including this promotion regime (RIGI), are against the national industry,” he denounced.

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Kicillof said that the RIGI goes “against the national industry.”

He also questioned the fact that, in a context of “a drop in wages that has rarely been seen,” the government insists on reinstating the fourth category of the Income Tax and progressively reducing the Personal Property tax rate, “particularly” for properties abroad.

If approved, this would lead to “120,000 large property owners with the largest fortunes would pay less, while workers would start paying income tax. The compensation of both, assuming there are no more layoffs, would be increasingly reduced. It could be a case of bread for today and hunger for tomorrow,” she warned.

“The net effect is something that we will know later but, after the second year, the calculations of the (Congressional) Budget Office begin to speak of a loss of resources for the Province. So if (the Government) wants to count the story, that tells the glass half full, half empty, and shows how the glass turns out,” he concluded.

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