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Granma Province at ExpoCaribe 2024: expectations and reality (+Photos)

This was stated to Prensa Latina by Prisciliano Guisado, director of Foreign Trade in that territory. Guisado explained that the southeastern territory of the island became part of the second Cuban trade exchange, with the objective of making a good presentation of the potential of Eastern Cuba and of its demarcation in particular, where agricultural products, manufacturing and services converge.

He also expressed the interest of Granma businessmen in exchanging with their colleagues from the Caribbean region, due to the cultural and historical affinity of their people and the values ​​they defend, which enables an integration that transcends the purely commercial.

The director of Foreign Trade of Granma also pointed out the importance of developing the sea and air ports of Santiago de Cuba due to the need to have robust logistics that serves as an incentive for businessmen in the Caribbean and surrounding areas.

ExpoCaribe is a window for 23 entities and more than 120 Granma products, highlighting the Granmax export hub, the Agroindustrial Grain Company, Fernando Echenique, as well as Cuban Medical Services, Acopio, the meat and canned vegetable company, among others. .

Prisciliano Guisado stated that they have exchanged criteria with representatives from the Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Panama, as well as Canadians and Americans, which corroborates that the opportunities at ExpoCaribe transcend the target geographic area, which broadens the spectrum and expectations.


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