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Contempt for the truth by anti-Cuban politicians and congressmen • Workers

With the usual manipulation of the United States political system, a pair of anti-Cuban congressmen managed to get the Republican Party to approve in the House of Representatives, where it has a majority, legislation on State Department expenses that is aimed at perpetuating the arbitrary and unjustified classification of Cuba as a State that supposedly sponsors terrorism.

The fact implies in practical terms that, if consummated, that Department would be prohibited from spending financial resources to stop lying, that is, to correct Cuba’s unfair rating, in the event that the White House were prepared to do so. something about which there is not the slightest clue.

Multiple governments and voices from the international community, especially from Latin America and the Caribbean, and various political and social organizations in the United States itself have been calling for years on the U.S. government to correct this injustice, and have done so repeatedly, including in recent days and weeks.

The response of the anti-Cuban legislators, using known corrupt and gangster methods, has been to mobilize the entire Republican delegation in the House to approve this legislation. They take advantage of the hypocritical and demagogic behavior of the current US government, which has maintained the unjust designation as an aggressive tool of maximum economic pressure against the standard of living of Cubans.

The conduct of both the anti-Cuban legislators and the State Department itself is indicative of the contempt of American politicians, above all, for the truth; but also towards the slightest sense of justice, and towards the expressions and claims of all those in the world and within the United States who have long trusted that the current Democratic government would do the right thing in the face of logical, fair and irrefutable arguments. .

June 28, 2024.


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