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Loan’s father reconstructed the minutes after the boy’s disappearance and referred to the accident hypothesis

15 days after searching for clues to clarify the whereabouts of the minor, TN took a tour with José Peña, the father, at the scene of the incident.

June 28, 2024, 5:58 p.m.

Loan’s father reconstructed the aftermath of the boy’s disappearance and spoke about the Justice hypothesis

The investigation into Loan’s whereabouts continues and with it the questions increase. So much so that TN He toured the house of Catalina, the grandmother of the five-year-old boy, together with José Peña – the father – who recounted the events of that afternoon of June 13 and provided details that They would rule out the hypothesis of an alleged accident.

According to journalist Paula Bernini, the boy’s father said that as soon as he heard about his disappearance, he left through the gate of his mother’s property and approached the entrance to the field. At that moment, he was able to observe the moment in which Maria Victoria Caillava and Carlos Perez were leaving in the white Ranger truck. So if there had been some kind of accident, he might have seen some signs.

Read also: “They asked me about everything”: Loan’s father gave details of his statement before Justice

In parallel, Peña referred to his sister Laudelina and claimed to have seen her answer the alleged call made by Antonio Benítez, her partner and one of the detainees in the case.

After that, José recalled that he started walking along a different stretch from the one Caillava and Pérez had gone, and that he reached a first gate, where he met Benítez. According to what he declared before the Prosecutor’s Office, “I had a white burlap bag with oranges”.

The Federal Justice tries to corroborate that Loan did arrive at the orange grove. (Photo: TN).

Peña’s lawyer, Roberto Méndez, also participated in the reconstruction of the moment of the boy’s disappearance along with TN and assured that another visual inspection was carried out today with the Federal Justice. Furthermore, he remarked: “We must not rule out anything and we must try to unravel to find out if the right people are being held. And also if there is a third party who has provided cooperation.”

For the moment, the Federal Justice is trying to corroborate that Loan did arrive at the orange grove and the investigation will return to point zerothe boy’s grandmother’s house. In this line, a complete evaluation of the evidence will be carried out and provincial officers will not participate, according to what journalist Adrián Ventura reported in TN.

The Federal Court’s investigation returns to square one and does not rule out any hypothesis. (Photo: TN screenshot).

Read also: Federal forces will add biologists to study whether animals attacked Loan

They will also use cutting-edge technology in the search, which will include scanners, drones and well-equipped divers to inspect the bodies of water. They will also take into account the hypothesis that Loan may have been attacked by an animal, which is why they will also bring the necessary tools to study the species in the area.

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