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The pension system is broken

The libertarian legislator pointed to another labor reform to improve pensions. “There is no way to win the fight against poverty if there is no economic growth,” he said.

Ignacio Petunchi

The deputy of La Libertad Avanza (LLA), José Luis Espert, He assured, after the approval of the Bases law in the Chamber of Deputies, that it is time to discuss a labor reform to improve the situation of workers. Retirees and urged the union members “to push it so that they do not get paid pittance.”

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There must be labor reform. This way there will be more white work. With these laws from the time of the caves, no one is going to give blank work“remarked the president of the Finance and Budget Commission in the lower house.

“We are happy in the Government, very serene in any case, because they are two laws that aim to ensure that politics serves the people,” he added in statements to Radio Miter.

Espert on pensions: “There is no good income”

The libertarian legislator referred to pensions and said: “There is no good income for retirees If there is no formal employment. The Ley Bases has a labor reform that is very important for SMEs, which is a great step in favor. Secondly, we have more chances than before that the bottom that the recession hit, in April, May, will turn into an economic recovery going forward.”


Espert explained the reason for the low pensions.

Along the same lines, he noted that “There is no way to win the fight against poverty, misery, marginalization, low real wages, poor pensions, if there is no economic growth.. “The pension system is broken by Kirchnerism because it retired 4 million people without all the contributions.”

How will the Bases law impact the daily lives of retirees?

Although the original text of the Bases law contemplated pension reform, The chapter was withdrawn before the formal debate in the Senate.

For their final approval, the deputies ruled out the reinstatement of both the moratorium and the creation of the Proportional Retirement Benefit for people who reach retirement age without the number of years of contributions.

The deputies representing La Libertad Avanza (LLA), the PRO and other blocks belonging to the dialogue opposition chose to leave aside the pension reform to avoid regulatory discussions.

In this way, ANSES retirees will not be directly involved since the reform of the libertarian space could not be imposed in the Argentine parliament.

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