Checo Pérez in the Emilia Romagna GP summary | Imola F1 Race 2024

Checo Pérez in the Emilia Romagna GP summary | Imola F1 Race 2024
Checo Pérez in the Emilia Romagna GP summary | Imola F1 Race 2024

Breaking News | GP Emilia Romagna

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Thank you for following with us minute by minute of the Emilia Romagna GP. Max won again and Pérez finished eighth in a bad weekend for the Mexican. We read each other in Monaco.

as.comPosted at: 10:27CDT05/19/2024

‘Czech’ lost the sub-leadership of the World Cup after a bad weekend in Imola.

as.comPosted at: 10:26CDT05/19/2024

We leave you ‘Checo”s chronicle of the race in Imola.

as.comPosted at: 09:49CDT05/19/2024


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as.comPosted at: 09:47CDT05/19/2024


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as.comPosted at: 09:34CDT05/19/2024

‘Checo’ Pérez finished in eighth place in a race in which the strategy did not work, he had no rhythm and could not shine.

as.comPosted at: 09:30CDT05/19/2024


Dramatic closing between the Dutchman and Norris, where Max was able to maintain the lead practically by miracle to win the race.

as.comPosted at: 09:29CDT05/19/2024

Verstappen calms Norrris’ attack to leave the difference above second and everything seems to be that he will lead to victory.

as.comPosted at: 09:27CDT05/19/2024

Dramatic finale in Imola. Norris smells of blood attacks Verstappen with five laps to go. The distance is 1.5 seconds

as.comPosted at: 09:23CDT05/19/2024

Max in trouble!

Norris shaves important tenths off the race leader. For now the Red Bull driver has a two-second lead over the McLaren.

as.comPosted at: 09:20CDT05/19/2024

‘Checo sets the fastest lap of the race with those medium tires that suited the Mexican. He is now one second behind Russell.

as.comPosted at: 09:16CDT05/19/2024

Immediately afterwardsRed Bull hints that Norris can catch Verstappen, at the end of the race which at one point seems complicated but the Dutchman does not want to leave anything open.

as.comPosted at: 09:14CDT05/19/2024

Verstapppen clearly leads the race with a lead of six seconds, while ‘Checo’ remains behind in eighth place.

as.comPosted at: 09:10CDT05/19/2024

Czech surpasses Tsunoda for eighth place and now his next objective is Hamilton, but it seems difficult since he is 20 seconds away.

as.comPosted at: 09:03CDT05/19/2024

‘Checo’ now takes charge of Hulkenberg to be ninth in the race.

as.comPosted at: 08:58CDT05/19/2024

Quick ‘Czech’ surpasses Ricciardo to be tenth in the race.

as.comPosted at: 08:57CDT05/19/2024

‘Checo’ goes to the pits to change to medium and comes out in eleventh place.

as.comPosted at: 08:55CDT05/19/2024

Hamilton already passes Pérez for seventh place at a time when his pit stop.

as.comPosted at: 08:54CDT05/19/2024

Hamilton now attacks Pérez for seventh place in an uneven fight because the Mexican has old tires.

as.comPosted at: 08:52CDT05/19/2024

Sergio Pérez is seventh but he lacks the rhythm to fight for important points. The Mexican still owes the pit stop.

as.comPosted at: 08:48CDT05/19/2024

‘Czech’ does not resist and Leclerc and Piastri quickly overtake him, remembering that the Mexican owes the pit stop.

as.comPosted at: 08:40CDT05/19/2024

Leclerc’s turn to go to the pits and it also comes out behind ‘Checo’. The Monegasque will lose valuable tenths.

as.comPosted at: 08:39CDT05/19/2024

Norris does not miss the opportunity to surpass Checo on the main straight. For his part, Max already went to the pits.

as.comPosted at: 08:36CDT05/19/2024

Norris comes out just behind ‘Checo’ who is sixth in the race.

as.comPosted at: 08:35CDT05/19/2024

Norris enters the pits to change to hardbeing the first of the front drivers to go to the pits.

as.comPosted at: 08:34CDT05/19/2024

The image of Czech output qFortunately for him, it didn’t cost him that much.


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as.comPosted at: 08:30CDT05/19/2024

‘Czech’ mistake!

The Mexican goes out in Rivazza but fortunately he did not go to the wall and retains eighth position

as.comPosted at: 08:28CDT05/19/2024

Verstappen ‘flies’ already having a four-second advantage over Norris.

as.comPosted at: 08:23CDT05/19/2024

‘Checo’ is already ninth due to Tsunoda’s arrest, remembering that the Mexican driver will go for his first long stint.

as.comPosted at: 08:22CDT05/19/2024

‘Checo’ is already in DRS range over Tsunoda to attempt to pass at any time

as.comPosted at: 08:15CDT05/19/2024

‘Checo’ started with hard rubber in a different strategy to try to finish in the points zone.

as.comPosted at: 08:07CDT05/19/2024

‘Checo’ overtook Ricciardo in the first lap and now for Tsunoda to be ninth at the start of the race.

as.comPosted at: 08:05CDT05/19/2024

Max Verstappen maintains first position with a great start despite Norriis’ attack and ‘Checo’ Pérez is already tenth.

as.comPosted at: 08:05CDT05/19/2024


as.comPosted at: 08:03CDT05/19/2024


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as.comPosted at: 07:30CDT05/19/2024

We share the history of ‘Checo’ in Imola.

as.comPosted at: 07:15CDT05/19/2024

Oscar Piastriwho had qualified second, was penalized three places on the grid for this incident with Magnussen.


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as.comPosted at: 07:00CDT05/19/2024

‘Checo’ had a terrible classification when he was eliminated in Q2. Today he comes out 11th.

as.comPosted at: 06:45CDT05/19/2024

We leave you the lap with which Max Verstappen He took pole position to equal Senna’s record.


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as.comPosted at: 06:30CDT05/19/2024

As part of the GP race in Imola, ‘Checo’ puts pressure on Red Bull with the issue of its renewal.

as.comPosted at: 06:15CDT05/19/2024

F1 Sunday at Imola!

Welcome to the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix where Max Verstappen starts in pole position and ‘Checo’ Pérez in eleventh place.

as.comPosted at: 14:03CDT05/18/2024

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