details of the hopeful meeting in Bogotá

details of the hopeful meeting in Bogotá
details of the hopeful meeting in Bogotá

The possible signing of Radamel Falcao García to Millionaires It has the fans of the Bogotá team and, in general, the followers of Colombian soccer in suspense, which is why it represents the eventual arrival of a player of Tigre’s international stature. With the express disposition of the Samario striker in a press conference that took place in Bogotá, the conversations were reactivated and Snail Radio was able to establish that the meeting that took place between the parties last Thursday was fruitful.

Gustavo Gómez and Juan Felipe Cadavidjointly reported in 6AM Todaydetails of the meeting that allowed them to bring positions closer to Gustavo Serpa, representative in Colombia of the capital club’s largest shareholder, and Falcao himself and those who manage it. One of the new things that was known was the presence of the coach Alberto Gamero, who was and shared with the forward, but his participation It was coincidental.

“What we have been able to find on an issue that must be treated responsibly is that it would be the most important transaction in the history of Colombian football. Caracol Radio confirmed that a fruitful meeting between Radamel Falcao, the person who represents their interests, and Gustavo Serpa, from the Millonarios board, a meeting that took place in a business setting. When Falcao finishes and leaves, there were already 40 people at the doors of the building waiting to hug him. That physical meeting is the closing of approaches that Millonarios has already had with Falcao in the sense of offering him, tempting him, and the meeting was very pleasant, very familiar. Falcao is a man dedicated to his wife, his children, a life that is not a rumba, the disco, the yacht, the drink and the position of his family, Falcao’s wife about living in Bogotá, is one of the points from Falcao”, they began reporting.

Regarding that family issue, in which the footballer’s wife, Lorelei Tarón and his children, have weight in the decision to sign for Millonarios, it was said: “Today it would no longer be a barrier for Falcao to reach the city, Today Lorelei, his wife, we are sure that today she will be happy, calm and comfortable in Bogotá and that it would not be one of the reasons why Tigre would not arrive. He would be fine in Bogotá.”

What did Falcao talk about with Alberto Gamero?

The Millonarios coach was present at the meeting, but his participation was coincidental, since it was not planned for him to be there: “He was at the meeting. Alberto Gamero, But it was a coincidence, he did not attend to speak with Falcao, he was there confidentially, he met him and he was part of the conversation,” revealed Gustavo Gómez.

“The meeting was very warm, there is nothing of a draft agreement, it was warm. You can’t imagine the happiness and how emotional the meeting with Gamero was. Big hug, conversation about Falcao’s father, they were very friends, hug from the soul, from the heart, ‘come on, let’s talk about his dad, he was a friend of mine’. “That is the important thing about the meeting,” he added in this regard.

When would the next meeting be?

People close to Falcao were also present at the meeting, such as Román, his mother’s brother. It has been established that a large part of his family and great friends of his live in Bogotá, even some in the areas close to where he trains Millonarios. This situation would also be favorable so that his eventual signing could take place.

Likewise, one of the issues that worries Falcao is tax, such as the wealth tax, on which collaboration agreements could be reached to facilitate his arrival at the club. Of course, the scorer must understand that he “must tune in to the interests of the club” on an economic level.

“The club cannot resolve Falcao’s tax problems, but he did raise them on the table… The club makes him feel that he must be in tune with the interests of the club and that it cannot be that the arrival of a person has Dear, alter the business plan, but if you are willing, they will sit down and figure something out,” Gómez said.

Juan Felipe Cadavid, for his part, revealed that next week there will be a new meeting, without knowing if it will be virtual or in person, understanding the commitments that Falcao must fulfill. “They have to find some solution (to the economic issue) and this talk, and the talk they will have next week, because there will be another talk to look for solutions, they will come with the solutions, because this more than a signing of Millonarios is a signing of Colombian soccer,” he said.

“Everything emotionally has to be resolved. When there is absolute tranquility, a proposal is shown. Yesterday’s meeting ended at the end saying ‘let’s give it this weekend, let’s look for solutions and we’ll talk again starting next week’ and there they will put on the table the details so that it can happen. From an emotional point of view, things are going very well,” Cadavid added.

Aligned with Falcao’s expressed interest in being in Millonarios, Gustavo Gómez added: “Is Falcao considering being in Millonarios? Yes. All these meetings and approaches, the concerns of the family, of security, of seeing how they are dealing with tax issues, are not done to tease.”

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