The 12,156 Argentine bars with prohibited entry to the Copa América 2024: the list increased with respect to the Qatar World Cup

The 12,156 Argentine bars with prohibited entry to the Copa América 2024: the list increased with respect to the Qatar World Cup
The 12,156 Argentine bars with prohibited entry to the Copa América 2024: the list increased with respect to the Qatar World Cup

The list of bars with prohibited entry to the United States to support the Argentine team amounted to 12,156

Last month, days after applying to Rafael Di Zeo a ban on administrative attendance for an indefinite period following the search where four firearms were found in the bus in which he was traveling with the Boca bar, the Minister of Security of the Nation , Patricia Bullrich, stated: “We do not want the bars in the stadiums of our country but neither do we want them where our National Team plays. That is why, with a view to the Copa América, we are going to agree with the United States authorities on the delivery of information from the Safe Tribune program of all the violent people to whom we prohibit entry so that none of them can enter during the competition.”

Shortly after, his decision was crystallized in the official bulletin where in resolution 423/2024 the information from the National Registry of Persons with Rights of Admission to Football Shows was made available to the embassy of the host country of the tournament and the National Directorate of Security in Sports Events of the Security Secretariat to carry out the necessary actions to comply with the provisions. And it is for this reason that today, when Messi and company take the field to face Canada in the first step to defend the title won in Brazil in 2021, There will be 12,156 people who will not be able to enter the stadium. The number is shocking and is greater than those that were in the banned list of the 2022 Qatar World Cup, which included 6,475 violent people. What’s more, the list also brings a substantial increase in these first six months of Javier Milei’s government with Patricia Bullrich at the helm of the ministry and Franco Berlin as the specific director of the Sports Security area: according to official records in the Tribuna database Segura as of 12/31/2023 there were 6742 people.

The growth occurred because we covered 90 percent of the games and because we systematized the information from all the districts. Thus, in four months we controlled more than 4.5 million viewers and detected, for example, 522 alerts from people who had an arrest warrant, while in all of 2023 that number was only 272 people. To that we must add all the checkpoints we made on the routes controlling 220 buses. Perhaps the most emblematic case was the Boca bus with 57 fans delayed and with cause for shared possession of a weapon of war in the previous match against Estudiantes in the League Cup, but for example a few days before in the Superclásico between Boca and River we had also found knives and drugs in the buses of The Drunkards of the Plank and we included 78 in the right of admission. By working together with all the provincial security agencies we managed to reduce conflicts and exclude anyone who goes to a stadium with the idea of ​​tarnishing the family celebration that football should be. That Superclásico in Córdoba with two partialities was a popular event,” Berlin told Infobae.

The banned list is headed precisely by River bars. There is 245 admissions which included the institution and that number was later raised by those put in place by the Sports Security Directorate following the arrest of armed groups traveling to follow Martín Demichelis’ team in the League Cup and the Argentine Cup. Behind comes Boca, in this case with violent players only included by the government entity since the club did not use that prerogative in any of its administrations, something that, except in the case of River, is the usual attitude of sports leaders. In both lists their leaders appear as bright names. In the case of River with red fiber, the name of Ariel Calvicithe known Duck Arielwhose admission has been valid by request of the club since 2016, while in the case of Rafael Di Zeohad an admission imposed by Patricia Bullrich in her previous management as Minister during the Government of Mauricio Macri, managed to get out of it after being acquitted by Justice in February 2023 and after leading The twelve for a year it re-entered the banned list last month, again by decision of Patricia Bullrich, once again in charge of the Ministry of Security.

In the case of the other large teams, more errant behavior is observed. For example in Independent Leaders of dissident factions have the right of admission The Red Devils and We arethat is to say Pablo baby Alvarez and César Loquillo Rodriguez respectively. In both cases at the request of Aprevide, since 2017 baby and from 2021, Loquillo. But instead the current bosses of the self-titled bar The owners of Avellaneda They do not have any restrictions either to enter the Liberators of America or to the National Team’s matches in the United States.

This last situation is repeated with the bar racingwhose leader Leandro Paredes He left the right of admission a month and a half ago, with the consent of the club and the provincial security agency. The same is true for his rival, Matias Alfonzoalias Patty’s facewhich does not appear in the Tribuna Segura records although it knows that if it approaches less than 300 meters from the Cylinder of Avellaneda, it is most likely that they will arrest him. “We cannot arbitrarily appoint anyone. If there is no judicial cause that warrants it, we prefer not to move forward because with a habeas corpus it takes us off the path. The club is the one that has the power to say I don’t want that person on my field, but they rarely use that prerogative,” he tells Infobae a source from Aprevide. The position of the Nation is different, where Berlin praises the state’s power to impose restrictions on administrative competition. “In just four months of official competition we have made 15 resolutions thanks to which more than 200 violent people who wanted to alter the normal development of a sporting spectacle were incorporated. Here the decision is to enjoy the show in peace,” he says.

Sometimes it is Justice itself that places restrictions on attendance at a bar. Thus, for example, it is verified in the case of the leader of the violent people of Lanus, Diego Goncebattewho was released from prison in August of last year and returned to the court for a short time since he was once again involved in another internal battle of the Lanús bar and the prosecutor Martín Rodríguez, who is handling the case, imposed the precautionary measure on him.

Province of Buenos Aires is the district with the largest number of people who are prevented from entering the stadiums, followed by Capital Federal and Santa Fe. But with a peculiarity: In the Province, many fans of Ascenso clubs join in, especially Conurbano, while in the City the two largest teams lead by scandal. In fact San Lorenzo, Hurricane and Velez They do not contribute substantial numbers and bosses are not included. At the time Francisco Recchialeader of The Buttelerhe had restriction but he came out, the same as Claudio De Respinis of José C. Paz. and the brothers Ciminellifrom Vélez, also managed to have their sanction lifted, an unusual benefit granted a week before the World Cup in Qatar, which allowed them to travel and be the face of the National Team in the tournament won by Scaloni’s team. something that they will try to repeat in the final stages of this Copa América, where it is also rumored that there will be an interesting number of Racing bars.

The last Copa América played abroad with a shocking number of bars was that of 2007 In Venezuela, taken directly by the violent Independiente with Pablo baby Alvarez to the head. Later, in 2011, played in Argentina, there was a copy of Hinchadas Unidas Argentinas, the NGO that had traveled with political support to the 2010 World Cup, and managed to have a presence in some games, especially those that were played in Santa Fe. In the competitions in Chile and the United States, the stands were decimated by violence, the same thing that happened in Brazil 2019 when, due to an agreement between Patricia Bullrich and her Brazilian colleague Sergio Moro, she was prevented from entering more than 5,000 bars. Then came the pandemic, the title behind closed doors in the Maracana and now, in the United States, starting tonight the acid test with a shocking list of people prevented from entering.

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