Madrid, calm with Mbappé

Madrid, calm with Mbappé
Madrid, calm with Mbappé

If as they slide from the FFF, Mbappé will have to undergo surgery at some pointMadrid would have preferred it to happen now. Thats the reality. Logical and easy to understand question: it is what would best suit your interests. But he understands the decision to postpone everything until after the Euro Cup… and breathes peace of mind. Calm and, above all, confidence. “He has great professionals,” Chamartín assures us, in an exercise of credulity with the doctors of France. Although, inevitably, Yes, there is a scenario that would raise a slight murmur: that France reached the final. Shy yellow alert.

For an event: the European Super Cup (Warsaw, August 14), in front of the Atalanta. A date marked in red on the calendar, Kylian’s official debut. The big day, the big night. And that he would hear a turbulence warning in case France made it to the last match alive, because it would delay the intervention until the second half of July and, therefore, recovery times would be fairer. Although they aim to fit.

A member of the coaching staff jokes about trying Mbappé’s mask during training.MOHAMED MESSARAEFE

It’s not that bad

Medical sources assure that rehabilitation of a ‘general break’ means, minimum, three weeks. Needing about four to five for complete recovery. Translation: from the operating room to 200%, around a month. Just what would separate his intervention from Warsaw. But here the big nuance appears: The perception is that Mbappé did not suffer a serious break, but rather a strong deviation. Hence, just three days later, she no longer had a bruise or slight swelling in the area. That in no case will it be necessary to take a month off. Good sensations.

In Madrid there is calm. They have not demanded anything from either the player or the French Federation. They claim to be non-invasive and They convey confidence both in the medical services that surround them and in the player’s judgment. Today, he is counted on for the European Super Cup. And it looks like it’s coming.

Presentation… with a ‘broken’ nose

In any case, there is one certainty: Mbappé will be presented with a ‘broken’ nose. As has already been seen, on a visual level it is almost imperceptible, so it will not disrupt the images for posterity, but it will be a memorable intrastory. Kylian will jump to the Bernabéu, for the first time in white, with his nose without surgery. Because if France reaches the final, the event will be two days later (16-J) and, in the scenario of being eliminated earlier, the presentation would also be brought forward, always being before any operating room. Eurocup, presentation and intervention. That’s what it will be like. In that order. And then, Warsaw. For now, tranquility in Madrid. And trust.

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