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Seduction operation: the parade for Pol Fernández in Boca :: Olé

06/07/2024 1:54 p.m.

This Boca pass market It will not only be about the reinforcements (very necessary) that can complete the squad Diego Martinez, but also of the players who may leave. This is the case of many who have not been taken into account for a long time and whose thumb has already been given by the DT, but it is also the case of Pol FernandezEven though He has a contract until December of this year and has already informed that his wish is to leave now in June.. Something that neither the DT nor Juan roman riquelme nor the Council want. That is what this seduction operation that has already been launched is about.

“In Boca, those of Boca. Pol, thank you always”says the message that was left hanging on the steering wheel at the door of the Ezeiza complex, signed by the Último 10 Movement, related to the president of the club, one of the most interested (possibly the most interested) in the midfielder from 32 years stay.

This display of affection with a central underlying objective is not the first. Because beyond the words of support that Román makes public every time he can, even up to saying that Pol Fernández is the most intelligent player in Argentine footballAlso a few days ago there was another gesture from the club within this seduction operation.


Before the match against Talleres, and in the middle of the Bombonera playing field, Chicho Serna gave Pol a framed shirt for his 150 games in his three stages at Xeneize (with 164 goals and nine titles). So far so good… But of course, that day before the people of Cordoba, the footballer He turned 161! meetings in Boca. So, Was the recognition a pampering by the Council and Román in the midst of his possible departure?

In the run-up to the match with Talleres, the Council gave recognition to Pol for his 150 matches… Although that day he reached 161. Without a doubt, operational seduction.

Pol was one of the players most punished by fans (next to Frank Fabra) after last year’s Copa Libertadores final. In fact, this year several whistles and disapprovals were heard for him in the Bombonera. However, nobility obliges, and unlike the Colombian, Fernández little by little and with the strength of some good performances, began to distort that opinion in many people.

“He is a brain for us, he is a player who is often irreplaceable on the field. You know that there is no other player out there who sees football like him,” Chiquito Romero praised him a few days ago. And he added: “We know that his contract expires in December. I don’t know from his mouth whether it continues or not. I hope he stays with us, it will be difficult to replace is a key piece that you can give it not one role, but two or three on the field and it will fulfill you. “He is that player who scores 6 or 7 points every game, it is very rare for him to play less than that.”

For now, Pol would have serious intentions of leaving the country. He would have even already informed Román and the Council of his decision, beyond the fact that their relationship ends in six months. These weeks will be decisive. As well as the seduction operation.

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