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Caszely’s grandson scores a double and earns his grandfather’s approval

Franco Garrido is one of those players who must be watched closely for the future of Colo Colo. The center forward of the Under 16 category has managed to shine in this first semester, being the second scorer on the team with eight goals. And how not to, if he is the grandson of a true legend: Carlos Caszely.

And this Saturday, the young white football forward was key in the 2-0 victory over Huachipato. A result with which they qualified for the semifinal of the Apertura Under 16 Tournament. Garrido scored the two goals with which Hugo González’s team advanced to the round.

And after finishing the match, there was an emotional moment on one of the fields surrounding the Monumental stadium. As it could not be otherwise, Garrido was chosen as the figure of the party and in the post-commitment interview, he received words of praise from the King of the Square Metro himself.

“Of the goals that Franco scored, the second was very good, at the far post. Those types of things are what one tries to convey, not only to him, but to all the cadet players.. With 74 years of life, I think they can learn from that,” Caszely told the official Colo Colo broadcast.

Caszely’s advice for his grandson Franco Garrido

The basic advice I give for a striker is: warm body, cold mind. That’s the basics within the area. Not only for my grandson, but for anyone who asks me, who invites me to give some advice, I always do it,” added Chino.

“Besides, I arrived at the Monumental when they called it the Pedreros hole, when I was nine years old. I mean, I’ve been coming for 65 years, I’ve seen a lot of football“Caszely highlighted under the attentive gaze of admiration of his grandson, who at 15 years old is trying to earn his place in Chilean soccer.

The latter precisely pointed out that he was satisfied with his performance, especially after the second goal. “The hitch and the left foot, which I have practiced a lot. I have trained left-handed, left-handed, left-handed…until it came out! Calmly, at the far post, cornered, well sought after. Good, good,” she noted.

The Alba Sub 16, with this result, waits for a rival for the semifinals. There, they hope to once again have the division’s top scorer, Vicente Martínez, who has 10 goals this campaign. Garrido, for his part, has eight goals and is emerging as one of the figures of the tournament.

Franco Garrido receives constant advice from Carlos Caszely

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