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The day the Colo Colo idol defended another Chilean soccer club – En Cancha

June 12, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

Immortal idol of Colo Colo. Carlos Humberto Caszely He is eternally associated with the albos and it is no wonder, if he is the historic scorer of the Cacique and, furthermore, that shirt was the only one he defended in our country… Or not?

The Chilean soccer anecdote brings back an unmissable memory. In 1989, that is, three years after retiring from professionalism, the unforgettable King of the Square Metro wore the colors of Sports Concepción.

When Carlos Caszely “betrayed” Colo Colo

It was a very particular moment in purple history. It happened on February 9, 1989 in the old Collao. Conce was going through a delicate economic situation and, to raise funds, the board organized a friendly match against the Saints of Brazil.

The duel was played in a full stadium and the victory went to the visiting team 1-0. Among the figures of the Paulistas came, among others, the mythical Doctor Socrates and a youth Cesar Sampaio; yes, the same one who nine years later scored two goals against The Red in the 98 World Cup in France… In that León de Collao team, Chino Caszely played as a guest star.

Today, 35 years after such a singular moment, the former footballer himself remembered it. On the occasion of the book launch Ray of my HeartCaszely recalled how that possibility was created: “We were with (Vicente) Cantatore at Café Haiti, when the president of Deportes Concepción arrived. He tells me ‘tomorrow we play against Santos’. I had retired years ago and I said ‘ah, that’s great,'” Chino explained in statements that are reproduced You know sports.

Carlos Caszely wore the colors of the León de Collao

Then, Caszely said yes. “The team was in bad shape financially and that’s why it was the game. ‘We have sold only 5 thousand tickets; Play for us,’ he told me. Well now, I answered. They went from about 5 thousand entries to 25 thousand. It was with a full stadium,” he says.

The King of the Square Meter recalled that his participation lasted about 25 minutes and that “I had a very good play along the edge“… Reports from the time, however, comment that the idol spent 40 minutes on the field and that he even tried a bicycle kick, which did not end in a miracle goal…

Then, Caszely also had a stint, although anecdotal, with another Chilean soccer team. For 2, actually, because we also have to consider when he put on the Universidad de Chile shirt… But that is another story…

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