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Grupo Pachuca ends Luciano Cabral’s television series and decides to transfer it to another club – En Cancha

June 18, 2024 at 10:27 p.m.

The soap opera ends. Final chapter for Luciano Cabral’s novel, and unfortunately for Chilean football, the outcome is far from these lands.

And according to information from En Cancha, the footballer, already bought by the Pachuca Group, will finally not make a stopover at Everton starting in the second half of the year, and will travel directly to Mexico to join his new club, which surprisingly is León.

Remember that La Fiera, as they nickname Cabral’s new team, is also part of the powerful Mexican conglomerate, and is now getting ready to wait with open arms for the talented Chilean-Argentine midfielder. But what happened these days for Chile to be ruled out of its football future?

The conflict in the Cabral Case

It turns out that Coquimbo Unidos, Cabral’s last team, wanted at all costs to prevent the midfielder from staying in our country to reinforce another team in the National Championship, something that would undermine the objectives of the Pirate, who today is precisely one of the candidates for the title (it is second, just 1 point behind the University of Chile).

Although the footballer rightfully executed the exit clause that was in his contract days ago, there was an option for this whole mess to be resolved in ordinary justice, something that did not suit either party. For this reason, a clean exit was chosen: a direct trip to Mexico and a link with Club León, thus forgetting the original plan of the footballer and the Pachuca Group, which was to loan him to Viña del Mar for six months.

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