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Atento River: Boca got into the fight for Valentín Gómez and has already made an offer in the 2024 transfer market

Although the most advanced negotiation of River In this 2024 transfer market it is that of Adam Bareiro, the focus is mainly on strengthening the defense with one or two names, especially after the confirmed departure of David Martínez to Pumas UNAM. And one of the players targeted for the central defense is Valentín Gómez, for whom Boca got into the fight and already made an offer.

Although the greatest objective of the Greatest is the return of German Pezzellaan operation that would be resolved yes or no during or even after the 2024 Copa América, the 20-year-old defender is a specific request from Martín Demichelis, who wants a lefty. And the delay of the Pezzella case also adds urgency to the search for another alternative. But Xeneize wants to get ahead.

Boca’s offer for Valentín Gómez

According to journalist Marcos Bonocore from TNT Sports, the La Ribera club made a formal proposal to Vélez to stay with the native of San Miguel. It consists of money and the transfer of Vicente Taborda for 80% of the pass of the defender.

Valentín Gómez, 20 years old, in the sights of River and Boca.

For its part, River offered around 7.5 million gross dollars, also for a portion of Gómez’s money, since Fortín intends to keep a percentage of the player in the event of a future sale. In fact, that is why I would agree to sell it for a figure less than the 10 million USD established in the termination clause.

In turn, the Millionaire would not frown upon including players in the agreement. In that sense, the names that appeared as a possibility were those of Andres Herrera and Cristian Ferreira, although neither of them is of Vélez’s interest. In Liniers they would not plan to add footballers in the negotiation, so unless they change their mind with Taborda, they would not accept Boca’s offer either.

In this way, everything indicates that Valentin Gomez He will be the protagonist of one more of the many novels of the transfer markets in which River and Boca compete hand in hand for a footballer. Meanwhile, Vélez’s position is to sell it abroad, but given the lack of international offers, the highest bidder will keep the defender center of 20 years.

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