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Ojo River: in Gimnasia they talked about the interest in Ignacio Fernández

Ignacio Fernández’s return to River was marked by ups and downs. The midfielder who returned from Atlético Mineiro at the end of 2022 has not yet managed to reach the level of that Nacho that he knew how to have in the previous cycle, when Marcelo Gallardo was still there as coach. However, he continues to be a key piece for Martín Demichelis on the field and for the group in the locker room.

Today, at 34 years old, the midfielder from Castelli seems to be spending the last few seasons with the River shirt. Not only because of the age indicated on the DNI, but also because of the contract that the midfielder signed upon his return to the country. Nacho Fernández has a link with River until December 31, 2025. And everything seems to indicate that the end of his career would be with other shirts, as the player himself once stated.

The interest of Gimnasia de La Plata in Ignacio Fernández

Beyond the present of Ignacio Fernández with the River shirt, the midfielder knows that there is a specific interest from Gimnasia de La Plata to count on your presence and your services. For several months now, Lobo began a seduction operation to get him to return to the club that catapulted him and allowed him to debut in the First Division, back in October 2010.

Almost 15 years later, the La Plata club closely follows its current events and awaits the footballer’s decision. That until now and if there are no inconveniences, he will fulfill his contract with River, until the end of 2025. El Lobo, in any case, is on the prowl. His leaders do not miss the opportunity to try to seduce him and convince him to return sooner than imagined. And now so did his coach.

What do they say in Gimnasia, about the return of Ignacio Fernández?

One of the voices that spoke out in the last few hours about Nacho Fernández was its president, Mariano Cowen, who once again put a cold shoulder to the rumors indicating that the River midfielder could reach Lobo in the near future: “We want it, but we are not going to pressure it. “You have to leave him alone and respect him.”indicated the manager.

For his part, Marcelo Méndez, Gimnasia coach, reinforced the idea of ​​the Lobo president: “I am not going to ignore what Nacho means to the Gimnasia fan, what he is as a player and as a professional, but there are things that do not depend on us or on what Gimnasia wants or whether the player has expressed himself. You have to respect his moments, today he belongs to another team and that is the reality”said the tripero DT.

Finally, he highlighted: “Later we will see if there is a possibility or not. “He is an interesting player, with a track record, loved by the fans, identified with the club… he has enough items to be able to get there, but it does not depend on me or Gimnasia, it is a joint decision.”hill.

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