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Anniversaries of June 23

On another June 23, but in 1988, NASA chief climatologist James Hansen announces before the US Congress that global warming has begun.

1797.- The German scientist Alexander von Humboldt measures Chimborazo (6,265 meters), a mountain in Ecuador in the Andes Mountains.

1894.- Foundation of the International Olympic Committee in Paris, at the initiative of Pierre de Coubertin.

1902.- Albert Einstein joins the Confederal Patent Office in Bern as an official.

1912.- A bridge collapses at Niagara Falls and 47 people die.

1931.- The American pilot Willy Post begins the first trip around the world by plane. It takes 8 days, 15 hours and 51 minutes.

1937.- The National Railways of Mexico company is created.

1940.- Second World War: Hitler visits Paris.

1949.- Pius XII decrees the excommunication of communists and sympathizers.

1961.- The Antarctic Treaty System comes into force.

1968.- 73 people die and more than 100 are injured in a soccer match in Buenos Aires when panic breaks out.

1976.- María Estela Martínez de Perón and 35 other Peronists are deprived of their political rights in Argentina.

1978.- Renato Curcio, founder of the Italian Red Brigades, sentenced to fifteen years in prison.

1983.- Former Cuban president Osvaldo Dorticós commits suicide in Havana.

1985.- The 329 occupants of an Air India Boeing die when it falls into the Atlantic Ocean due to a bomb explosion.

1989.- Official premiere of the film ‘Batman’.

1993.- The English mathematician Andrew Wiles demonstrates Fermat’s theorem after more than 350 years without being solved.

1996.- The Nintendo 64 video game console is launched.

2000.- Airbus announces the construction of the A3XX, the largest aircraft in the world.

2001.- Six departments in southern Peru are shaken by an earthquake of magnitude 6.9 on the Richter scale, which causes more than one hundred deaths.

.- Vladimiro Montesinos, former advisor to former Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori, detained in Venezuela.

2003.- The WHO announces that Hong Kong has controlled the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic, causing the death of 296 people.

.- Microsoft launches Windows Mobile 2003.

2007.- European leaders agree on the treaty that will replace the draft Constitution.

2008.- The EU approves lifting sanctions on Cuba.

2014.- The last chemical weapons declared by the Government leave Syria.

2016.- The United Kingdom decides to separate from the EU after 52% of the population supported it in a referendum.

.- The Colombian Government and the FARC sign a historic definitive ceasefire in Havana that puts an end to 50 years of conflict.

2017.- The Bolivian ELN guerrilla frees two Dutch journalists they were holding hostage.

2019.- The social democratic opposition wins the municipal elections in Istanbul (Turkey) and puts an end to 25 years of Islamist government in the capital.

2021.- Princess of Asturias Award for Scientific and Technical Research for the 7 scientists who created the coronavirus vaccines.

.- John McAfee, creator of the computer antivirus, is found dead in his prison cell in Barcelona (Spain).

2022.- The US Supreme Court endorses carrying weapons in public.

2023.- The mercenaries of the Wagner group fighting in Ukraine rebel against the Russian military leadership.

1894.- Edward VIII of England, Duke of Windsor.

1912.- Alan Turing, English mathematician, one of the fathers of computing.

1919.- Mohamed Budiaf, Algerian president.

1930.- John H. Elliot, British historian and Hispanicist.

1939.- Álvaro Pombo, Spanish writer.

1940.- Wilma Glodean Rudolph ‘the black gazelle’, American athlete.

1943.- Vinton Gray Cerf, American computer scientist, one of the creators of the Internet.

1957.- Frances McDormand, American actress.

1943.- James Lavine, American conductor.

1963.- Colin Montgomerie, Scottish golfer.

1969.- Noa, Israeli singer.

1972.- Zinedine Zidane, French footballer and coach.

1980.- Francesca Schiavone, Italian tennis player.

.- Matías Varela, Swedish actor.

1995.- Dana Paola, Mexican actress and singer.

1995.- Jonas Edward Salk, American, discoverer of the polio vaccine.

1996.- Andreas Papandreou, former Greek Prime Minister.

1998.- Maureen O’Sullivan, American actress.

2000.- Peter Dubovsky, Czechoslovakian footballer.

2007.- Otto Raúl González, Guatemalan writer and poet.

2008.- Klaus Michael Grüber, German theater director.

2011.- Peter Falk, Colombo, American actor.

.-Christiane Desroches Noblecourt, French Egyptologist.

2018.- Donald Hall, American poet.

.- Alberto ‘Tito’ Fouillioux, Chilean soccer player.

2021.- John McAfee, creator of the antivirus with his name. EFE


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