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French city will launch a message of peace during the 2024 Paris Olympics

Paris, June 22 (Prensa Latina) The French city of Vitry-sur-Seine will take advantage of the context of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games to promote its vision of peace and fraternity among people, its mayor, Pierre Bell-Lloch, said today.

Before and during the event under the five rings, scheduled from July 26 to August 11, the picturesque town in the Paris Region will be among the hundreds of Gallic cities and communes with prominence, for their activities related to the great sports festival.

In dialogue with Prensa Latina, the mayor estimated that with the passage of time, the Olympic Games have become a very commercial event, when the global scenario increasingly demands that they constitute workshops of peace and understanding.

In Vitry-sur-Seine we have the vision that Paris-2024 must represent a moment of truce, fraternity and solidarity, which facilitates the meeting between peoples through sport, he stressed.

According to Bell-Lloch, under this premise the commune will host on July 21, the same day that the Olympic flame will pass through its territory, the installation at the Mayor’s Office headquarters of an international peace conference.

Vitry-sur-Seine is home to people of 80 different nationalities, a diversity from which we will promote in that forum the call for peace and also build it with education and culture, he explained.

The mayor highlighted that true to this position, the city will receive athletes from Cuba and Mali as part of their preparation and acclimatization before entering the Olympic Village.

We will also guarantee that 1,200 young people, especially the most vulnerable, attend the Paris-2024 stadiums as spectators, he said.

Bell-Lloch summarized the way of taking on the summer event as an opportunity to demonstrate that it is possible to live together and in peace.


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