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Police investigation and suspended category: the first consequences after the death of Lolo Somaschini, the 9-year-old Argentine pilot

Lorenzo Somaschini was nine years old and died in an accident in the Honda Junior Cup, a division in charge of the Brazilian Superbike

Just over a week away from death of Lorenzo Somaschinithe nine-year-old Argentine pilot who suffered an accident at Interlagos in the Brazilian Superbikethe category decided to suspend the competition of the Honda Junior Cup (or Honda Junior 160 Cup), the division where the boy from Rosario ran. The shock over the fatal outcome continues in the neighbor and country and there were more consequences in the last hours on the two-wheeled activity and in the same scenario.

Lolo suffered his blow on Friday, June 14 at the Pinheirinho curve of the José Carlos Pace Autodrome. He was then hospitalized and on Monday the 17th his death was confirmed. As a result of this, the Superbike Brazil organization reported this Wednesday the cessation of activities in the category where Somaschini participated.

Brazilian Superbike announces indefinite suspension of the Honda Junior Cup

“Superbike Brasil announces the suspension of the Honda Jr Cup class. The decision, taken by mutual agreement with the sponsors and for an indefinite period, aims to analyze in detail what measures and changes should be implemented to increase the safety of cyclists in the school category,” it was announced in a statement posted on its social networks.

The accident he suffered Somaschini It was a training of the category Honda Junior 160 Cup, for boys between 8 and 16 years old. Lolo had participated in the Argentine Superbike and dreamed of reaching MotoGP.

Moto1000GP suspension statement

Somaschini’s death was the sixth of a Brazilian Superbike rider at Interlagos in seven yearsas reported by the site Grand Prize: Sergio dos Santos in July 2017; Rogerio Munuera in June 2018; Mauricio Paludetein April 2019; Danilo Berto, in May 2019; and Matheus Barbosain November 2020.

What happened with Lolo took its toll and this Tuesday the cancellation of another motorcycling event was announced and it is the Moto 1000 GPwho had to abort her third date due to police intervention for the incident that cost Somaschini his life. “According to the management of the Interlagos Racetrack, the suspension is due to the recommendation of the Civil Police of the State of São Paulo, in charge of investigating the accident that occurred on June 14, in which the young pilot Lorenzo Somaschini died”, stated the press release.

CBM statement to withdraw inspection of the Brazilian Superbike

The first consequences of the death of Somaschini They seem to be the tip of the iceberg since the March 27th past, the Brazilian Motorcycling Confederation (CBM) reported that They were not going to supervise Brazilian Superbike races. It was indicated in a statement that after a “mediation process in 2023,” they moved away from the category.

“Each and every competition that may be carried out and/or organized by Super Bike Brasil (APM) They are no longer official competitions of the Brazilian Motorcycle Confederation System,” stated the CBM.

“Only competitions that are not the case of competitions eventually organized by Super Bike Brasil (APM), a private entity not linked to the National or International Motorcycling System, may be approved,” he stressed.

The Honda Junior Cup category was suspended (@jcapreti / @mundopress)

Thanks: Rafael Fernández

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