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Almirón, close to getting the number nine that Boca wanted :: Olé

06/27/2024 7:12 p.m.Updated on 06/27/2024 8:21 p.m.

Everything indicates that he will have to look for a new alternative. Or go out on the field to play hard. Yes, in the intention of hiring a substitute number nine, Boca had its eye on two forwards: Brian Aguirre, from Newells; and Javier Correa, from Estudiantes. For the first, the offer made by Román’s Board was insufficient. For that reason, he had a proposal ready to go for the second. However, the Cordoba striker from Pincha is now close to going to play for the team managed by a former Xeneize coach. Yes, it’s unbelievable…

As I said: the first target was Aguirre. But for the moment, he remained far away. Because the Lepra did not accept Boca’s conditions. Or rather, he warned that he was short with the numbers. Of course, it happens that the offer that arrived in Rosario for the 21-year-old forward who played in the youth teams It was 4,000,000 dollars, while NOB is seeking US$5,500,000.

So? For the moment, Aguirre was stopped. And that is why the Council immediately set its sights on Javier Correa, the 9 Estudiantes, which they already had in the pipeline since the beginning of this week. But…

The 31-year-old striker from Cordoba is exactly what they were looking for: a number nine with a good present who could be the alternative for Cavani and Merentiel, the starters. And he could be the replacement for Darío Benedetto, who finished this stage in Boca the day after his birthday party and with the “happy nights, sad mornings” that he told Diego Martínez when he broke off his relationship with the coach. Since then, he has stopped being taken into account and is looking for a way out.

Colo Colo did not hesitate and moved forward firmly for Correa

However, in these hours Jorge Almirón’s Colo Colo advanced strongly for him and He is willing to pay around two million for the forward (barely above the 1,800,000 dollar clause that the player has in La Plata. The issue is not what he pays to take him away, but the million-dollar contract offered to the forward, impossible to match for Pincha, who wanted to keep him.

The Cacique’s coach wants Correa yes or yes. EFE

The former Boca coach wants him no matter what for the Copa Libertadores and in these hours he is closer to staying with him and leaving Boca without the sought-after alternative. Unless Xeneize now takes to the field to stomp, everything indicates that it may suffer a setback.

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