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Luis Advíncula committed a ‘blooper’ and made an unexpected confession about his fans: Jefferson Farfán’s explosive reaction

Jefferson Farfan premiered a new chapter of his Youtube program that bears the name ‘Focused’and on this occasion you will have Luis Advincula. The ‘Foquita’ He posted a preview of the fun interview on social media, where the Boca Juniors defender opened up and told little-known anecdotes.

The popular ‘Ray’ was not saved from the jokes of the ’10th Street’ and Roberto Guizasola, who took the opportunity to ask him what team he was finally from. This is due to the speculation that came out stating that Lucho was a fan of Lima Alliance as a child.

“Advíncula is an Alianza fan, he would like to come“, was the surprising confession of Carlos Zambrano which caused controversy among fans ‘blue and white’ and Sporting Cristal, because he was supposed to be a fan ‘sky blue’.

The mystery was revealed in the podcast of Farfan. The Peruvian national team’s full-back was pressured to confess whether he was ‘intimate’ or not. And after so much insistence, he ended up confessing that he is a fan of Alianza. That slip of the tongue made the former Victorian striker explode, and although he wanted to change his answer, stating that he is one of the ‘brewers’his response had already surprised everyone.

“I have said that when I was little I was an Alianza fan, my whole family is from Chincha and almost everyone was an Alianza fan,” Advíncula was responding. ‘Cucuruchu’ intervenes to ask if he would like to play for the La Victoria team: “but answer, would you like to or not?”

“Alianza fan, no, no, no; Cristal fan”the defender finished saying ‘xeneize’. There was no shortage of laughter and ‘Jeffry’ celebrated his response like never before: “he fell.”

Luis Advíncula revealed which team he supports after rumors linking him to Alianza Lima – Credits: Infobae Composition

In another passage of the video that he uploaded Jefferson Farfan with the interview Luis Advinculathe defender told a funny anecdote that he experienced on one of his trips. ‘Ray’ He confessed that he went to Dubai trusting in his English, but an unusual moment happened that unleashed laughter from the crowd. ‘Little Seal’ and Roberto Guizasola.

“As I chewed my English, at the end of the year I said I’m going to Dubai. First day in the hotel room: ‘hi, The girl tells me. I only wanted pineapple, so I said ‘pineapple please’, and she started talking to me in English. I said ‘yes’, yes, yes’; they said ‘I asked, I already asked’, and they even brought me hamburgers,” the Peruvian national team’s full-back revealed, laughing.

The defender of the Peruvian team suffered a serious injury in the duel against Chili for the first date of the Copa America 2024. It didn’t end ‘Pacific Classic’ and had to be changed in the first half because it was felt during the match. Luis Advincula He confirmed his ailment and assured that it was the Achilles tendon.

His presence in the clash with Canada It was a mystery, but he ended up being included in the list of those called up for the match against the ‘reds’. However, Jorge Fossati He decided not to give him any minutes during Peru’s tough 1-0 defeat, which ended up complicating their qualification for the quarter-finals of the international competition.

The same expectations are for the match against Argentina. He ‘Ray’ He trained apart from his teammates, he did work with the ball showing that he is better, but it is still not known if he is ready to start or not. Everyone hopes that he can be one hundred percent to be able to fight for his long-awaited move to the next stage.

He ‘everyone’s team’ he risks his life with the painting Lionel Scaloni this Saturday, June 29 at 7:00 p.m. at the Hard Rock Stadium, for date 3 of the Conmebol competition. Peru does not depend on itself and will be aware of what will happen in the future. Chile vs Canada, duel that will be played simultaneously.

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