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Dorival Júnior is emotional at a press conference after the death of his uncle ‘Dudu’

OROne of the moments that the press conference left us with after Brazil’s defeat of Paraguay was when the ‘canarinha’ coach, Dorival Júnior regretted the recent death of his uncleOleário Tolói de Oliveira (Dudu). Dudu was one of the players most loved in Brazilian footballespecially in Palmeiras, a team from which He is considered an absolute legend.

“For me, was a reference Not only as a professional athlete but also as a coach after, but above all as a human being who always cared about everyone around him and very little about himself. Always He was a reference in my life, an example for me. Always I have tried to follow in his footsteps“, stated Dorival excitedly.

“He it means a lot to me because he was a human being, a second father to mea person who practically guided me in every moment of my life given that I wanted to follow the same profession as himI am sure that will be very well received by who he is. He will do a very smooth transition. It was very spiritual, and The last time I saw him, about 20 or 30 days agoI realised that could be the last time“, concluded the Brazil coach.

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