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Jan Hirt crashes just before the start and breaks a tooth

The Tour de France kicked off in a packed Florence, with crowds of spectators gathered in Piazzale delle Cascine and the surrounding area. The 176 runners paraded one by one for the first signature control of this edition on a very hot day, with temperatures exceeding 35 degrees during the morning, and with tension between the runners.aware of the demands of the first day of this Tour, the toughest opening day in the history of the race in terms of route. However, one of the riders who already started on the wrong foot It was Jan Hirt.

Hirt, after his fall before starting the first stage of the TourDani Sanchez (Diario AS)

The 31-year-old Soudal player crashed at low speed as he was returning to his team bus after signing in and minutes before heading to the starting goal. With a confused face, the runner was helped by a member of his team, who first grabbed him to take him to the bus and, later, pick up his bike, with the number 72. Afterwards, they searched it.. Hirt, his face bloodied, lost a piece of his tooth. Seconds later, several members of the team They tried to search the ground for the tooth. He also had several others affected by the impact. Finally, and although he was the last of his team to get off the bus, as AS was able to observe, Jan took the start of the Tour de France.

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